♡ Overprotective

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Age: 6
~ This takes place before Tony was Iron Man! ~

Pepper walked into Tony's office, taken aback from the dimmed lights and Tony missing from his desk. Slowly, as she walked further into the room, she noticed Tony laying on the couch while cuddling with you, both fast asleep.

She bit down on her bottom lip, confused as what to do, as Tony needed to head out to attend a meeting. She gently began to tap on Tony's shoulder, which caused him to quickly wake up from his nap. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice hoarse from him being groggy.

"You had a meeting, 25 minutes ago." Pepper stated. Tony sat up, continuing to hold you as he placed you on his lap and you rested against his chest. "We had a long day" Tony stretched out his arms while you began to fuss in his lap, uncomfortable from your position.

"Tony, it's 11:00 in the morning." Pepper muttered. Tony stood up from the couch, holding you closely. "And we're showing up to the meeting fashionably late" he said, walking towards the door before turning back towards Pepper. "I'm sorry, we?" She questioned.

Tony nodded. "I'm taking the kid" he bluntly stated. Pepper's eyes widened, scoffing from her disbelief. "This is a meeting with the Department of Defense, Tony! You cannot take a 6-year old into a government meeting, that you're already late for!" Pepper shouted, following Tony as he began to walk out of the office.

"I'm the one they want the meeting with, therefore I've already technically impressed them enough to want to meet with me. I can do whatever I want" He said, confidently walking down the hallway as Pepper tried to stop him. "Tony. Tony!" she exclaimed as he walked into the meeting room, with you on his hip.

Tony smiled, and everyone watched as he took a seat at the meeting table. "I hope you don't mind. I don't believe in babysitters" Tony said, patting your back and smiling as various 'awe's' echoed through the room.

Tony looked back at Pepper, who was shooting him an annoyed glare through the glass door of the meeting room. Tony gave her a tiny wave, and she returned with a not so kind gesture.


Within the walls of his Malibu home, Tony was blasting his usual nightly playlist, while cleaning out your closet. You were sitting on your bed, watching TV while cuddling your trusted stuffed companion, Eugene the unicorn. "Y/N, do you like this?" He asked, turning to you while holding up a lime green dress with light pink polka dots.

"No" You replied. Tony threw the dress into a large pile of rejected clothes from your extremely overpacked closet. "Sir, Miss. Potts is approaching" Jarvis chimed, causing a slight internal panic in Tony.

Pepper opened the door to your bedroom, not expecting to see several piles of clothes all over your floor, surrounding Tony while you were relaxing in your bed. "What is going on?" Pepper asked, looking at Tony. He looked up at her, shrugging. "Y/N needed me to clean out her closet, and pack for her" He said, picking up a pile of neatly folded clothes.

"Pack? What are you packing for?" She walked into your room and hovered over Tony. "Well, you know that weapons presentation I have to fly out for in a few days? Yeah, the kid is coming" Tony unraveled your small suitcase from underneath a pile of clothes, before beginning to place neatly folded garments into your suitcase.

"Tony, I do not think a weapons presentation is appropriate for a 6 year old!" Pepper exclaimed, shocked from what she was hearing. Tony looked over at you, and pointed to your door. "Go get ice cream" He said, and you immediately hopped out of bed, following his command.

Looking up at Pepper, Tony made room for her to sit next to him. "What is going on that you're bringing Y/N to meetings, and now weapons presentations!" She sat down next to Tony, taking a folded shirt from his hand. "I know, I know. I think I have a problem" He hesitated his words, afraid to confess his true feelings.

"Whats the problem?" She questioned, beginning to fold some of the clothes that were just thrown onto your floor.

"I'm scared to have her out of my sight, Pepper. It's like, I get some weird separation anxiety when I'm gone for too long. Even when I'm at the office, I can't do it. I need to see her, I need to be with her at all times, because I need to know if she's okay. The world's crazy, Pep." Tony admitted.

Pepper bit down on her bottom lip, and gently began to stoke his shoulder. "I think it's a fatherly instinct you have, and I think you're overprotective. You're one of the most powerful people right now, and I think her safety is the least of your concerns, considering you want to bring her to a weapons presentation" Pepper and Tony locked eyes, both laughing.

"Yeah, I guess it's not appropriate for a five year old, right?" He joked. "Not at all!" Pepper chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm going to be here with her for the 3 days that you're gone. She has me, Obadiah, and Happy. She'll be okay Tony"  Pepper gave her boss a sweet smile, and he nodded in response.

Standing up, he held out his hand for Pepper which she took in confidence as she stood up beside him. "Now, I have to start cleaning this before she turns these mountains of clothes into fabric forts" Tony mumbled before clapping his hands as you stumbled back into your bedroom with a tub of ice cream and a large spoon.

"When I said get some ice cream, I meant make a bowl, not the whole tub" Tony sighed, holding out his hand for the tub. "But what if I can eat the entire thing!" You cried, waiting to give Tony the tub before he flashed you a stern look and you handed it over.

You crossed your arms and growled, watching as Pepper took the ice cream from Tony, and he brought you into his arms. "Are you gonna be okay without me for a few days?" He asked, freeing one of his arms so he could lick his thumb to wipe away smudged ice cream on the corner of your lips.

"Yup!" You shouted, poking Tony's nose. "You're not gonna be sad?" He puzzled, and you quickly shook your head. "No. I need personal space, dad" You said, causing Pepper to laugh. "She said if herself, you're overbearing!" She exclaimed.

As Tony and Pepper began to playfully argue about his protectiveness, soon the night faded and ended with you and Tony falling asleep while watching a movie together in the living room. He was away in Vegas the next day, and soon after he left for his weapons presentation in Afghanistan, as he gladly left you behind, because what came next he would've never wanted you to experience...

Authors Note:
I am planning on continuing this, basically like how you develop into understanding Tony becoming Iron Man.
I know I don't do good with multiple part stories, but I am trying so hard I promise.
Love y'all ❤️

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