♡ Uncle Obie

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Age: 6

It was early in the morning, and the first thing you did was hop out of bed and storm right into your fathers room, jumping onto the bed. You were confused, not seeing him tucked under the covers like he usually was, so you hopped off of the bed and trudged downstairs.

You slowly stepped down, watching Pepper and Obadiah study the television in the living room, carefully. "Where's daddy?" You asked, startling the two. Pepper turned her head to Obadiah before looking down. "Come here, little one" Obadiah patted a vacant spot next to him on the couch.

You walked over and sat next to him, his arm wrapping around your body as you curled your legs towards your chest and watched the TV. Tony's picture was on the screen, right besides a reporter who was talking about his disappearance.

"What happened?" You questioned, looking up as Obadiah as he fought with himself to try and find the right words to tell you. Pepper remained silent, trying her best to hide her tears from you.

Suddenly, Obadiah took you into his lap and sat you upon his knees and he looked right into your eyes. "Y/N, dear. Something terrible has happened to dad. Evil men attacked him, and we don't know where he is" Obadiah spoke lightly, stroking the top of your messy bed head.

"Is he dead?" Your eyes filled with tears, hearing loud 'no's' from Obadiah and Pepper. "He's just lost, sweetheart. Uncle Rhodey and the military are looking for him" Pepper reassured.

Your heart was slowly breaking with every second that passed by, and you tried to think of what life would be like without your father. No more memories, no more piggy back rides, no more hugs and kisses.

The thoughts rose in your mind like fog, and you began to let out little whimpers before breaking down into tears. Obadiah immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a big hug.

Obadiah turned towards Pepper, and began to shake his head. "Y/N, until To-uhm-dad gets back, Obadiah is going to be taking care of you" Pepper said. You leaned out of Obadiah's hug and nodded. "Why don't you go get dressed for the day, and we'll go out to the park to get your mind off of things, yeah?" Obadiah offered, and you nodded.

You walked back upstairs, leaving Obadiah and Pepper to themselves to sulk in tranquility. "This is insane, absolutely insane" Pepper broke the silence and looked at Obadiah. "And you had just talked to Tony, before he..."


Pepper leaned back, putting her hands over her face. "Are you sure the park is the best place to be taking Y/N right now? Tony never liked her being in the spotlight, and with everything going on with him, it might attract a lot of publicity" Pepper warned, earning a scoff from Obadiah.

"She needs to get her mind off of things, and being in this house won't make it better" Obadiah said, standing up as he heard you walking down the stairs.

You changed from your pajamas to a plain yellow tank top and neon pink shorts, along with a Stark Industries baseball cap and a pair of Tony's dark sunglasses.

"I'm ready!" You called out. Pepper looked over the couch and couldn't help but smile at how adorable you looked, but then the thoughts of Tony flooded her mind, thinking of how he would pick you up and toss you into the air because he couldn't handle your cuteness.

"Pepper, stay here. Y/N and I will be back in a little bit!" Obadiah called out, grasping your tiny hand and walking out of the door with you, leaving Pepper all alone in her long lost bosses mansion.


"It's over Uncle Obie, I have the high ground!"

You stood upon the large play structure above Obadiah, holding a long stick in your hand as you looked down at him. "You underestimate my power" He smirked, looking back at you while holding a shorter but much thicker stick.

You took a few steps back, holding a firm "attack" position in front of Obadiah. "I have failed you, Uncle Obie" You said, lifting your arms to whack the top of Obadiah's head before his phone began to ring.

He dropped his stick and immediately answered, walking away from you as if you weren't even there. Quickly, you became bored and slid off of the play structure, throwing the stick onto the ground and stepping on it, watching the brittle wood break into hundreds of pieces.

You walked away from the play area, looking all around for Obadiah who seemed to have wandered off. You began to call out his name, searching for anyone who matches his appearance before bumping into the legs of someone and falling onto you butt.

"I'm sorry," the person began, turning around and gasping at you. You looked up, trying to push yourself off of the ground. "Oh my god, it's Y/N Stark!" They cried, pulling out their phone and taking what felt like hundreds of pictures of you.

Soon enough, more and more people began to crowd around you, snapping photos and videos while you laid in fear on the ground. Tony tried his best to keep you sheltered away from the public eye, which meant that any chance someone could get to see you, they made sure to share it with the world.

Happy appeared out of nowhere, pushing through everyone and picking you up from the ground, wrapping your tiny, shaking body in his blazer so nobody could take anymore pictures of your face and he rushed back with you to the car.

He sat you in the backseat, angrily gripping the steering wheel as Obadiah rushed into the car. "Jesus, what happened?" He asked, completely clueless to the situation.

"What happened? You left Y/N alone, that's what happened! You know Tony's rule" Happy shouted. "Tony's rule? Tony's dead!" Obadiah countered, instantly wishing he could take back his words.

Your eyes widened, and your tiny hands gripped Happy's blazer that was still wrapped around you. You remained silent.

"Tony's not dead" Happy muttered, starting the car and driving away from the park. Obadiah groaned, rubbing his hand against his forehead, well-knowing that he was out of line.

You continued to stay quiet, covering your face with the blazer so you could silently cry. Not only were you left on the ground while dozens of adults took pictures of you, but you didn't have your dad here to protect you, and that's what was paining you the most.

You could help but this about how desperately needed Tony back.

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