♡ Quarantined Birthday

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Age: 16

You woke up at the break of dawn to sneak into Tony's lab and start decorating all around. You placed party hats on every suit, threw streamers all around and tied balloons to different parts of the lab. At 7:00 sharp, you could hear Tony's footsteps approaching, and you quickly hid behind a pile of discarded cardboard boxes.

Tony entered the lab, and was taken aback by the surprising sight of his birthday decorations. "Surprise!" you shouted, throwing streamers into the air. Tony smiled and set his coffee down on his desk. "You actually woke up before noon to do this, huh?" he laughed.

"I know I don't wake up the earliest, but I wanted to do a nice gesture since you can't go out and party like an animal, we're gonna have a quarantined birthday celebration!" you exclaimed, walking over to your father. "You're not going to be working in here all day, come on, we're gonna do some stuff!" You pulled on his arm to try and drag him upstairs, but he stood still like a rock.

"Kiddo, I appreciate the thought, but I have a lot of work to do today" He said. You let go of his arm and looked up at him with sad eyes. "But dad, it's your birthday. How are you going to work on your own birthday?" You whimpered, disappointed that the day you had planned wasn't going to happen.

Tony frowned and ruffled your hair. "I'm sorry, pumpkin. Maybe over the weekend we can do something" Tony grabbed you by your shoulders and brought you closer to his so he could press a kiss against his forehead before he walked over to his work table. You began to walk out of the lab, looking over your shoulder as Tony started to look at things he could improve and work on.

You turned away and trudged upstairs, saddened that another day in the boring quarantine was being spent alone, especially on Tony's birthday. That was until a series of ideas began to come across in your head, and you knew exactly what you had to do to get your father away from the lab.


Tony was deeply focused on his work in the lab, fixing different parts of suit that were damaged or worn out from using the suit, before hearing a loud scream from coming upstairs. Immediately, he dropped everything he was doing and ran upstairs, calling out your name.

He looked and saw you on the kitchen floor, curled up in a ball and holding you hand close to your chest. "Daddy, help!" you cried. "What happened?" He asked, kneeling down and looking at you. "I was cutting an apple for breakfast, a-and I cut my finger!" You dramatically wailed.

Taking your hand into his grasp, he looked at your fingers and saw they were all covered in fake blood. He wore an annoyed look on his face as he rolled his eyes. "Y/N, this is very cute, and a very good way to give me a heart attack!" He exclaimed, standing up and leaving you on the floor.

"C'mon dad! Can you at least take a break, so we can spend some daddy-daughter quarantine time? We haven't spent any time together since this lockdown happened, and I just want to at least spend your birthday with you!" You said, standing up and looking right into his eyes.

He looked off to the side, saddened by the realization that he's been pushing you to the side. "I'm sorry, I didn't even notice I was pushing you away. How about this, we spend the day on the couch, watching movies and just spend time together?" He asked.

You wrapped your arms around him and gave each other a big hug. "I would like that" you smiled. You both changed into your pajamas and spent the entire day laying on the couch and watching movies, just like you had planned.

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