♡ Crushes

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Requested by Manchester_Babe
Age: 15

It was yet another slow day in the Avengers Facility. Tony was in the lab, testing things and being productive, while you trudged around your room, unsure of what else to do. Your feet pattered against the soft, wool carpet beneath your feet as you walked in circles. You threw yourself onto your bed, wrapping yourself within the comforters.

"Hey FRIDAY," you spoke softly "what's my dad up to right now?" You bit down on your bottom lip, waiting for the AI's response.

"Mr. Stark is in the laboratory, currently designing a new suit. Would you like me to fetch him for you?" FRIDAY asked. "That won't be necessary. Thanks FRIDAY" you unraveled yourself from your sheets and stood up from your bed. You exited your room in a slow pace, thinking about the same thoughts racing in circles through your mind.

As you descended to the lab, Tony's loud music was blasting as he reclined in his chair, while FRIDAY showed him different designs for a new suit.

"Boss, your daughter is approaching"

FRIDAY paused the music as Tony turned around and smiled. "Hey kiddo, what's up?" Tony asked. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. Tony frowned, standing up from the chair and walking towards you. "Are you busy?" You muttered, running your fingers through your hair.

"I will never be busy for you, what's wrong, did something happen?" He asked frantically, placing his hands on your shoulders. "I just- I need someone to talk to, that's all. I'm fine"
You smiled. Tony sat you down, giving you his full attention. "I'm all ears, Pumpkin". You took a deep breath before closing your eyes and blurting out the words;

"I have a crush on a boy and I don't know how to talk to him"

Tony's arms immediately wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight hug. "It's just the hormones, you'll be okay!" Tony cried before you snakes out of his grasp. "Dad, I'm being serious!" You exclaimed, crossing your arms.

"And I am too! You're young! You don't know about love!" Tony spoke as you frowned. "I just really like this boy. He's super sweet, funny, smart. He has this really cute curl that swoops in on the front of his head;" Tony noticed the blush appearing on your face. He could feel his emotions bubbling up inside of him, as you continued to talk about your crush.

Tony grasped your small hands, looking you right in your eyes. "Pumpkin, I think it's very... cute that you have a crush on someone, and I'm happy that you have told me all about him. Because now I know what to look for when I go and kill him!"

"Dad!" You exclaimed, playfully slapping his arm.

"I'm kidding!" He smiled. "I want you to think before you do this. Do you know what he's all about? How would he treat you? Is he nice? Is he better looking than me?" Tony asked as you scoffed. "Dad, there's more to a man than looks" you mumbled. "A man is nothing without looks, and there is no better looking man than me" Tony said, causing a small smile to form on your face.

"I want you to be careful, and to be aware. I don't want you falling for some boy who is only going out with you because you're my kid. And if he does do that, I'll rip his fingernails off" Tony said as you rolled your eyes. "Besides that, what's his name?" Tony asked. A smirk couldn't help but form on your face as you let out a sigh before saying his name;

"Peter Parker"

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