Chapter 23

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The fact Raptor didn't seem to be passing out was the only reassurance Pietro had that she might be okay. The gash on her flank wasn't as bad as he'd first thought, though the pain she was in unnerved him. Had she gotten internal injuries? Hit her head? The speedster could only keep her safe until she got her breath back and was back on her feet.

"Wanda... where are you?" He tried to locate his sister, knowing she had to be aware of how much he needed her right now.

His heart stopped as he saw her fighting Thanos. Her attacks were much stronger than before, seemingly fueled by rage. It was understandable though, she had lost Vision and while the snap had returned her... The one she loved was still lost. Despite all the power she was putting behind her attacks, Thanos was still managing to fight back.

"No, not again." Pietro stood up, ready to run and move Wanda out of harm's way. He wasn't sure if he'd make it in time with his leg, and if he did he'd be leaving Raptor with only the three weakening raptors to defend her.

The conflict pulled at him. His heart was pounding from the fear of losing either of them should he make the wrong decision. Wanda was strong, he believed in her abilities, but she was against the man who wiped out half of existence.

The double bladed sword Thanos wielded raised and swung in an effort to kill Wanda in one fatal sweep. That was all it took for Pietro to burst into action. Agony laced through him as he pushed himself to run faster. It was like slow motion watching the sword come to a stop as Wanda defended herself. However, she was thrown aside as a cannon activated on Thanos' command.

Pietro slid to a stop as he saw her quickly recovering. Relief left just as fast as it came, as cannon fire began raining down on the battlefield. He dodged the deadly blasts with ease despite his injury up until a lucky shot managed to hit as his leg gave out. Spots danced across his vision as he tried to get back to his feet. To make matters worse, the dam nearby had broken and was about to flood the area.

Sharp teeth grabbed the back of his collar and began dragging him from where he'd fallen. "Raptor?"

He knew he was wrong before he'd even finished saying her name. Pietro twisted his head to find Sigma's grime stained, white scales above him. The cyborg flinched and growled as several shots hit his flesh or pinged off his metal parts. Warm blood dripped on Pietro from the poor creature as he shakily continued to shield him.

He looked at where Raptor and the other two should've been. Only Omega's mass of limp black scales were still there, lying lifeless on the ground. "No..."

Pietro felt sick. His mind going blank. He even swore his heart stopped for a second. Surely she wasn't dead. He'd only been gone for a minute. Where was she? What happened in the short time he'd left? As the chaos on the battlefield shifted he could see Delta's blue scales a short distance away lying in a heap.

He unsteadily managed to get to his feet, feeling Sigma let go as he managed to stand. The area seemed quiet and he realized the bullets were now training towards a newcomer to the battle in the sky above. Pietro stared at them for a moment, amazed how she'd managed to take down Thanos' ship so easily, before nearly being crushed as Sigma collapsed to the ground behind him.

"Raptor?" He called out to her, already looking for her amongst the bodies.

A grumble caught his attention but it wasn't Raptor responding to him. It was Omega. He looked like he was barely clinging to life as he painfully shifted and flopped onto his side. Raptor coughed and got to her feet, rubbing her temples as she looked at the three members of her pack.

Pietro pulled her against him, as he was able to breathe again. She was safe. The fact she'd once again seemed to be losing the three members of her artificial pack wasn't something he wished for her to go through a second time, but they were the reason he still had her.

A loud clang rang out followed by a blinding white flash of light. Instinctively, Pietro tensed up and did his best to protect her. Looking around once the light faded however, he could see Thanos' forces turning to dust around them. A smile broke out across his face. It was over. They'd done it. The victory was bittersweet. Following the direction several people flew in, he managed to make out a battered hot rod red and gold Iron Man suit where the snap originated.

Tony Stark was dead. Sacrificing himself to end the war.

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