Chapter 7

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There was a loud groaning sound as the ship rocked to the side. Raptor shot awake and got to her feet in time for Pietro to run back in through the door and crash into her as the ship finally went into a ninety degree turn onto its side. She grunted as his weight made pain flare up before hearing more breaking and crashing sounds from somewhere outside of their room.

"What's happening?" She asked; finally getting back to her feet with Pietro beside her.

"We're under attack." He panted and she finally made out blood smeared on his uniform, though none seemed to be his thankfully. "The escape pods took some of the Asgardians away but... We're stuck here... and Thanos will find us soon if Thor can't defeat him."

"...So this is the end..." Raptor looked at the ground.

His arms wrapped protectively around her. "We will try to fight. We must."

"Obviously..." She agreed before moving back and looking at the door; they'd have to jump for it. "Let's not keep this Thanos waiting then. I won't be found here like a sitting duck."

Her bones protested as her form shifted but the pain was nothing compared to when the bones had been freshly broken. Soon Raptor's form nearly took up the entire room and she broke the door down before crouching down to allow Pietro to climb on and out of the room. The sounds of fighting were louder but clearly dying out and as she followed Pietro out it died out entirely. She glanced at him before running down the hall, her long claws clacking on what was once the wall, before stopping as she began to see and smell the dead bodies while a giant purple skinned man stood in the center of it all.

"Thor... and Loki..." She glanced down as Pietro pointed out the two unmoving figures. "They're dead."

So they were. Raptor knew it meant that Thanos had defeated them easily and quickly if at least Thor had been alive by the time Pietro had ran back to the room. She shuddered but stepped forward anyway and crept closer and closer to where the titan stood.

"Raptor, wait! W-" Pietro stopped when Thanos turned his attention to them.

She growled and lunged towards his ugly purple face, her claws ready to rake through his skin, but with only a blue glow from a stone on Thanos' gauntlet she was stopped inches in front of him. Behind her she heard metal scrapping the ground and Pietro's shout. She snarled again and tried to fight against the power restraining her before he grabbed her by the neck and tossing her aside. Raptor scrambled back to her feet only for one of Thanos' other men to trap her to the ground with metal like he'd done with Pietro.

"Mortals... your home will be saved soon enough. You will just be the first of many, feel honored that your death comes by my hand." He stood over her as she fought against her restraints.

His fist connected to her head and left her dizzy while blood trickled down. She heard Pietro scream and saw him straining against his tightening restraints before going limp and watching her helplessly. Thanos crushed the metal tighter around her, the broken points pricking into her scales, before the titan walked away from her.

"Leave them where they are." Thanos spoke up to his men- or she decided they were men; they were all strange alien creatures to her.

Rage burned through her as she clawed at the ground in an attempt to be free; finally beginning to feel her scales tearing off as she slid free and tumbled forward until she skidded to the ground in front of Loki's body. She stared down at it for a moment before turning to look up at Thanos as he turned away; this time a purple glow emanating from his gauntlet as the ship began to break apart around them.

"We have what we came for." Thanos spoke up and continued to leave without giving her a second thought.

She watched the others follow after him before limping over to Pietro and helping him get out. The ship wouldn't last much longer and she stood over him in an attempt to shield him from any falling debris. Why hadn't Banner showed up to help in the fight? Surely Thanos hadn't killed the Hulk as well, right?

"What now...?" She glanced around, already feeling the oxygen depleting as space invaded the ship from the gaping holes. Pietro would survive longer being in a smaller body- and if she switched back she possibly could too- but even that wouldn't save him much time.

Movement shifted from the rubble and she made out the form of Heimdall as he raised a weak hand while muttering under his breath. She was about to question him, or at least get Pietro's attention to the fact there was another person alive, but a hard tug dragged her away. The next thing she knew there were blurs of color surrounding her and Pietro as the ship disappeared around them. The ground broke as they landed and Raptor gave a hiss of pain at the rocks and rubble digging into her back; she was human again after going through the portal but at least there didn't seem to be danger around. She was still disoriented slightly from the blow to her head and that magic portal hadn't helped it stop reeling.

"We got away." Pietro looked up at the sky through a hole in the ceiling. "...For now."

"Should we... warn the Avengers?" Raptor didn't even know where they were-other than back on Earth- but they had to warn them of some possible danger if and when Thanos arrived on Earth.

"...We must try to, yes." He stood up and offered a hand to help her, which she took, before cautiously leading the way out of the hole.

A figure suddenly appeared, two orange disks floating under his raised hands; weird symbols seemed to be inside them. "Again? What, is this place some landing station now for portals? Please tell me Loki isn't coming back through one as well."

Raptor and Pietro gave each other similar glances before turning back to the strange- and obviously powerful- figure. "Uh... what do you mean again? Who are you?"

"I could ask the same of you."

Bruce Banner stepped in followed by another man. "Excuse me, sorry, they're friends."

The strange man dropped the orange circles and gave a tired sigh as he examined the damage to the building. He gave them another reluctant stare as if blaming them for deciding to land there, which they hadn't. Raptor couldn't even say if Heimdall had aimed at a specific area on Earth. "Follow me." 

We're back to updating this! *cheers* 

Sorry for the long pause in updates but I'm hoping to update this on the normal schedule. (And for those of you who stuck around thank you for being patient and I hope you and everyone else enjoyed the update!)

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