Chapter 9

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Raptor was anxious as they walked down the dark Scotland streets. It looked as if it had rained recently but so far there had been no sign of a battle; perhaps Strange's friend had sent them to the wrong place?

"Did you hear that?" Pietro paused up ahead of her and glanced back, his eyes reflecting his worry.

Raptor stopped walking and listened carefully for a few minutes before making out the sound of fighting. Not just any fighting either, this wasn't some gun or knife fight, it was the sound of something stronger... alien. She quickly caught up to him; her guard up and ready to shift into her stronger form at any moment.

"I hear it now..." Her voice was edge with a rough growling.

"This way." Pietro started running in the direction the battle was coming from, obviously forcing himself to slow down enough that she could keep up.

Raptor chased after him, shifting as she went until the pair of them were side by side. They paused only briefly to watch as two figures crashed through the glass roof of a train station before hurrying towards the building, hoping they wouldn't be too late to save Wanda and Vision.

"Trap them." He ordered, going for a ground entrance closest to them.

Raptor huffed and turned away, searching for another way in. Her eyes landed on the rooftop. They wouldn't expect and attack from above as long as she was quiet enough. "Maybe I'll be able to stand a chance against these power wielding abominations too for once..."

Her climb was harder than anticipated but with her long claws and quick reflexes she managed to make it to the rooftop. Raptor stared down through the glass, watching as Pietro moved into position below. Her amber gaze fell on the two Black Order members as Wanda tried to hold them off; Vision seemed to be in bad shape nearby. She carefully stepped out onto the glass, flinching back as it began cracking underneath her. Coming to a glass roof probably hadn't been the smartest choice now that she realized how weak the transparent material could be compared to this forms weight.

Below, Pietro's now distorted form was moving closer as he prepared to speed in for an attack. It was another distorted figure that caught her attention however. Raptor couldn't make out who it was or if they were on their side- in this case she doubted it- but they were closing in quickly. She gave a huff and stared at the metal beams before carefully stepping onto them, staying hunched down to help keep her balance along the thin, yet surprisingly strong, metal. Her claws scraped and clicked as she hurried along the metal beam before finally reaching a point where the glass had been broken by the two figures earlier.

"Here goes nothing..." She stared down, noticing the metal was beginning to bend underneath her and she crouched on the end of the broken metal.

She jumped down, sending several more shards of glass raining down towards the ground with her. The feminine looking member of the Black Order threw her spear like weapon at one of the figures Raptor had seen from above and was only able to dodge to the side in shock as Raptor landed. She gave a low growl, towards the second strange alien like creature- as he still had his weapon- while the previously shadowed figure stepped forward into the light on the other side of the tracks; revealing Steve Rogers.

A moment later Pietro ran out of hiding, slamming the first enemy away from Wanda only for Falcon to fly in and kick the alien through a wall. The look of relief at seeing her brother and friends was clear on Wanda's face, though the fight was far from over... Raptor lunged at the Black Order member in front of her at the same time Cap threw the spear towards them. For a moment she was distracted, wondering if he saw her as an enemy still after 'helping' Loki and disappearing, but then she saw Black Widow jumping from her hiding place; easily catching the weapon before launching her own attack.

Corvus' glaive cut into her arm before she could focus back on her attack and Raptor gave a shriek of pain mixed with rage before grabbing his weapon and yanking him closer. Her claws scored down his face before he managed to pull away, only for Natasha to stab him with the tri-pointed spear. His cry of pain echoed in the empty station but did not go unheard. His partner returned, summoning back her spear from Black Widow's hands, and shot out a blue energy blast towards them.

Raptor saw a blur of movement as Pietro moved Natasha out of range and quickly braced herself for the attack. Her long claws scraped against the cement and she staggered back, disoriented and feeling as if she'd been hit by a truck, but hadn't seemed to have broken anything. She stepped closer again as Proxima Midnight leapt down to engage in close range combat. Raptor knocked her down with her tail but watched as Proxima got right back up, looking royally ticked off at being knocked down.

"On your left." Steve's voice called out.

She shifted away and watched as he used Corvus' fallen glaive to block the next attack. Black Widow soon joined in with her own weapons and Raptor fell back to let them handle it, though with Falcon's return to the fight it didn't last much longer. The man kicked the distracted alien and sent her rolling across the floor until she came to a stop beside Corvus. With all of them converging on them the pair finally seemed to realize they couldn't win.

"Get up." Proxima ordered, pressing her hand down against the wound in his torso.

Corvus skewered up his face with the pain; looking even more gruesome with the blood on his face. "I can't."

"Why aren't we killing them?" Raptor glanced over at Sam, who was currently pointing two guns at the Black Order members. "Do it before they escape and recover...!"

"We don't want to kill you. But we will." Natasha's statement surprised her. What had happened to the Avengers since she'd left? Black Widow was an assassin not... this.

"You'll never get the chance again." Proxima warned, though it was almost like a threat.

Raptor snarled and went to lunge at her but reared back as a blue light fell on the two in front of them, beaming their enemies to safety. She glared up at the dark sky above before giving a huff of defeat and looked back towards Vision, Wanda, and Pietro. She could almost hear the questions burning in the others' minds as she walked back over to the three with the Avengers but at the moment everyone seemed to know it was more important to get to somewhere safer than ask anything. 

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