Chapter 3

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The bar was bustling with people as they went about drinking and shouting about the matches they'd seen. Raptor couldn't quite tell if they were upset or pleased with the battles most of the time, though considering they weren't the ones with a chance at being killed she guessed they were all simple minded enough to be enjoying the gladiator styled fighting. Pietro nudged her shoulder as Loki began moving further into the loud fray and she reluctantly followed him, as she was starting to wish she'd just stayed hiding in the jungle like Loki had insisted on doing. At least there it was quieter than this.

"Look who I've found." Loki gestured over to where Thor was talking to some lady through the bars that separated the fighters from the audience members.

"Good. Let's get his attention and figure out a plan." Pietro started walking forward before Loki grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, causing Raptor to let out a growl of warning to the trickster.

"Oh shut up." Loki snapped at her. "We are trying to blend in. Now does your species typically growl?"

She bit her tongue to avoid giving him a sarcastic retort. It wouldn't help the situation when they were trying to get Thor out. They wouldn't do any good if they were stuck on that side of the barrier with him. Loki gave a satisfied smirk and patted her on the head like a human would a dog; she had to force herself not to slap his hand away.

"Now, I will make contact with him." Loki examined the area Thor was in. "Not here though, not yet. When he's alone I can send a projection to him, it's too dangerous to approach him any other way. If we aren't careful we could be put in there as well."

"By who?" Pietro eyed the others around them.

"The Grand Master. While you two were busy watching the fight I started gathering information on this place. We are on Sakaar, which is a place where things end up and never leave. We are surrounded by wormholes that could lead to different realms but if anyone tries to leave without permission from the Grand Master then they are killed... or if he's generous he leaves you to be put in that fighting pit. Guess my brother just pissed him off. I'm sure he'd love me if I'd have met him."

"So full of yourself." Raptor huffed. "But at least you've been useful."

Loki gave her a look as if he wanted to demean her more but instead walked off in preparation for getting word to Thor. She watched as he disappeared into the crowd of mixed species before looking at Pietro as he continued to watch everyone else vigilantly.

"Relax. They don't care who we are as long as we don't cause trouble." She moved to a corner where a table was open and sat down in the worn booth.

"I do not trust Loki." He responded finally as he took a seat next to her. "He is not doing this for good. There is something he must be getting out of it."

"Then I guess we'll find out what it is soon enough." She shrugged and leaned against his side as she examined the many cuts carved into the table from years of use. "But as long as Hela is stopped, you know? That's what you wanted when we voted, right?"


"We need to trust him then, at least for now."

Pietro stayed silent as they sat there waiting for Loki to come back with news for a plan to get Thor and themselves off Sakaar. The bounty hunter looking lady caught her attention as she glanced in their direction and rose to her feet. There wasn't anything remarkable about her other than the way she walked with power despite the fact she was clearly intoxicated. For a moment Raptor was worried the woman had found them out and was now coming to drag them into the arena; instead she was able to let out a sigh of relief as she walked past without so much of another glance their way.

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