Chapter 20

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"Right, so we all know what jobs we have?" Tony looked at everyone surrounding the table. "We only have one shot at this so let's do it right."

Raptor once again tugged at the quantum suit, still unsure how it would protect her when being sent through time and space. Still, she wasn't about to question the science behind it. Barton had successfully tested it and given it didn't splice him like it had Pietro, she'd just assume it worked.

"You sure you're up for this? It's going to be dangerous." Banner hung back with her as the others filed out to the testing chamber. "I can tell Tony you're unwell. It'll put more pressure on use to get the three stones at once but we could try it. We would've done it that way if Nat and Clint weren't here, sent you and Pietro to Vormir. Given your condition-"

"I'll be fine- maybe a little hungry- but I can't just sit back and wonder if I should've helped." She picked up her pace, hoping she could get this over with and come back without anything happening. "Can I trust those three to still listen to my command while I'm gone? I'm not with them right now and they aren't killing anyone..."

Protect him. Her order was met with several confirmations from the pack, relaxing her only slightly.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us- friends... family... We lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions- get the stones, get them back. One round trip each, no mistakes, no do-overs. Most are going somewhere we know but it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful, be vigilant. This is the fight of our lives and we're going to win." Steve's speech seemed to invigorate the others listening and he sent Tony a look before finishing. "Whatever it takes, good luck."

"Alright, you heard the man." Stark looked over at Banner. "Stroke those keys, Jolly Green."

They got into position and Bruce activated the system. "Tractors engaged."

It was too late for her to back out now. The thought of where she was going back to made her shiver. It was a point in time she'd never wanted to go back to but it was a place that was relatively easy to get the scepter. However, unlike the others, Raptor was going alone in the mission. HYDRA would be too suspicious of anyone else. Her unease grew as she was shrunk down and sent through the quantum realm.


The HYDRA compound was quiet and rather relaxed compared to what it was like while under attack. Thankfully, an attack wasn't planned for this point in time. Currently- if Tony calculated correctly- this was around the time they were experimenting with the scepter.

Raptor stuck to the shadows, knowing she'd likely be seen as an intruder in her human form. Of course, in her normal form she'd not only draw attention but also cause chaos of people trying to 'recapture' or kill her. Thankfully not many guards were located in this section of the base. Most of the concentration would be closer to the scepter and the exits.

"A real miracle they didn't test it out on me... Then again, I was a failed experiment- left to rot and be forgotten unless needed." Anger rose in her at the reminder.

She looked down a dusty, dark corridor. No one had gone down there in ages, at least not often enough for it to be cleaned and powered. Raptor drew closer to the door at the end and shifted momentarily to break the lock before quickly retreating. She was already feeling out of breath after shifting back to human form to once again appear less suspicious. After making it several halls away, a hoarse screech rang out through the building. Shortly after, the shouts and gunfire started

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