Chapter 10

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Raptor hung back as the group stepped out of the elevator in the Avengers tower and walked towards the meeting room where Rhodes was talking to some holographic figures. Steve, of course, was in the lead while Sam helped Vision walk- the android was still leaning heavily on the man and held an arm across his body. Pietro was sticking close to Wanda's side, almost like they were having an unspoken conversation with each other as she worried for Vision.

"Mr. Secretary." Steve greeted the hologram of the man.

The man turned away from Rhodes and walked over to stand in front of them, staring threateningly at Steve. "You've got some nerve, I'll give you that."

"I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission." Who was this 'new' man? Raptor tilted her head to the side slightly at Steve's words; she'd understood at this point the Avengers split up after a literal fight over some accords but... to change this patriotic man so much? "You just lost your best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too."

Raptor was tensed as she waited for the man's reaction. Sure, he couldn't hurt them without actually being there but it was still not a fight they should be picking... right? Not with Thanos and his 'children' bearing down on them, possibly ready to attack again at any moment.

The silence stretched on for a few more seconds before the man turned to speak with Rhodes again. "Arrest them."

"All over it." He nodded and swiped through the man's image, causing it to disappear.

She backed away slightly despite the fact he didn't have his War Machine suit on. "Surely he won't actually arrest us?"

A rough mental laugh grated in her head. He can't. He'd be taken down, killed if I get to him, before arresting anyone.

However, Rhodes just stood there and looked at them. "That's a court martial."

Raptor relaxed as the man gave a teasing, yet weary, smile. "You look like hell."

Her eyes shifted as a figure stepped out from the room behind Rhodes, relieved to see it was just Banner. He seemed nervous at reuniting with the group. "I think you look great... uh, heh, yeah I'm back."

Once the silence was finally broken and the others had a brief reunion with Bruce; they made their way to a meeting room to further discuss the Thanos situation. Raptor stuck closer to the back wall watching while Pietro stood by Wanda... despite the reunion the air was still tensed and held some awkwardness due to the past drama between the Avengers and now their return.

"So, we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodes spoke up as he stared at Steve.

"And they can clearly find us." Wanda added, noting how the Black Order members had easily found the stones on earth.

Bruce glanced around, noting more of the other Avengers who weren't there. "Where's Clint?"

"After the Accord situation he and Scott took a deal. They're both on house arrest." Sam informed him.

"Who's Scott?"

"Ant-Man." Steve quickly informed him.

Raptor tilted her head but didn't speak up and make him explain further. Still, it was faintly surprising there were more heroes now since she'd left yet somehow at the same time they were all scattered and divided. "We are so dead if we can't work together."

"-Okay, look... Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he's not going to stop until he gets Vision's stone." Banner glanced at Wanda, as if trying to apologize for the already known news.

Pietro shifted closer, a determined look in his eyes as if to defy the implication behind Banner's words. "Then we'll have to protect it."

Vision neared Wanda as well, though his plan was much different and his words hinted at a very specific plan of action to take. "No, we have to destroy it. I've given a good deal of thought to the entity in my head, its nature- its composition. I think if it were exposed to an energy source that was powerful and similar to its own signature then perhaps... its molecular energy could fail."

"And you with it. We're not having this conversation."

"Eliminating the stone is the only way we can be certain Thanos won't get it."

"That's too high a price."

"Only you have the price to pay it." Wanda looked like she was already staring at his body and quickly got up and began walking out. Vision stared after her, still trying to show her and everyone else his reasoning. "Thanos threatens to destroy half the universe. One life can't get in the way of stopping him."

Raptor glanced over at Steve but even their leader seemed torn between saving a teammate and stopping the mad titan. "We don't trade lives, Vision."

"Captain, seventy years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, how is this any different?"

"Because we need everyone to stop Thanos." Raptor finally spoke up, glaring at Vision from where she stood. "Even with that thing in your head, we need you- everyone- together to stand a chance against him. He has his stone and we'll have ours. We'll have a plan to keep you safe and being useful, right?"

Bruce gave a nod of thought. "Your mind is made up of complex overlays with J.A.R.V.I.S., Ultron, Tony, me, and the Stone. Their all mixed together; learning from each other."

Wanda paused and looked at the previously MIA scientist hopefully. "You mean Vision is more than just the Stone?"

"I'm saying if we take out the Stone then there could be a lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts."

Pietro gave his sister a reassuring look before focusing on Banner. "Can you remove it?"

"No, not me... Not here." He gave them an apologetic look as their hopeful gazes dimmed.

"You better find someone somewhere fast. Ross won't just give you your rooms back." Rhodes responded, reminding them that their time there was running low.

"Do you know anyone who could then?" Raptor hoped they hadn't gotten the twins' hopes up for nothing.

Steve stepped up to answer with confidence. A certainty that was good to have given their situation. "I know a place." 

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