Chapter 1

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A white and black scaly figure crept through the think foliage of the jungle as she moved closer to the site where something had fallen from the sky. The place was beginning to smell like burning cloth the closer she got to the source but so far she couldn't see anything moving up ahead. Perhaps it was that blue streak she'd seen the other day doing something? Raptor snarled lightly and came to a stop as another scent finally reached her. She couldn't quite remember what it was- more like who it belonged to- but she got the feeling the person wasn't a friend.

Still, she might as well check it out. Perhaps she'd get a free meal out of it. One year here and it was still difficult to get her scales hidden well enough to hunt for prey. Not to mention the roots, vines, and thick undergrowth could easily trip her up with one misstep. A twig cracked under her foot as she moved through the thick green leaves and poked her head out the other side to stare down at the figure lying on the ground half conscious. A growl rumbled in her throat as she moved closer and nudged the god with her snout, which only resulted in a weak attempt to shove her away.

Raptor took a step back before nudging him again. Perhaps she should just kill him? Thinking back on it... she was sure hiding here was because of him; of course it was also the reason she was alive but that wasn't the point. Loki had wronged her. She should finish him off. It was too late though. Loki was already recovering from his fall and the disorientation was wearing off as he opened his eyes.

She glared down at him as he finally focused on her. "Wh- You!"

Raptor growled in response, prepared to kill him.

Loki scowled back and pushed her head to the side before getting up. "Of all the mortals to run in with. It had to be one of you."

She snapped at his head but the illusion faded and the real Loki watched her with his arms crossed a few feet away from her current reach. "Now, is that anyway to treat the god who saved your life?"

There was silence as she stood there debating on trying to attack again before he finally spoke up once more. "What? Are you stuck like that? Well, I guess I won't need to bother listening to your pathetic retorts then, not that I have time, I have to make sure Hela doesn't find me... Thor's probably dead already the fool."

Thor? Hadn't he died? Wait, hadn't Loki killed him? Raptor took a step back in case Loki tried anything but the man seemed lost in his own thoughts as he looked around the jungle with a thoughtful gaze. It was a waste of her time to stay around this area then it seemed, considering how he most likely had scared the prey in the area with his landing. She gave a huffing sigh and began to lumber away back into the leaves in hopes that another meal would provide itself. With her size and effort it took to hunt she couldn't go a day without food if she was healthy enough to hunt for it. She was already underweight with the energy it took; good thing most of the predators here had learned not to try fighting her or preserving the energy she had would be even harder.

She was about to start running when the blue blur went by her again before stopping at her side with their arms in a partial hug. Raptor flinched at the human contact and turned her head to snap at the person, though they backed away before her jaw had even snapped shut.

"Raptor...?" The white haired man was staring at her in shock, almost pain, while his hands were up in surrender. "Raptor, it's me... Pietro."

"Oh, I don't think she cares." Loki walked over with a smirk on his face and Raptor moved back as he tried to pat her on the side. What was with humans and touching? She was literally claws, teeth, and scales. "It seems she hasn't had to use her human side in a while. Your beast is practically feral."

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