Black Lives Matter

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I am a black female.

I may not reside in America but it hurts to see what is currently going on and has been going on for years.

Racism stemmed from history. Black people were forcibly taken from their land and enslaved by the whites, having their basic human rights stripped from them. When they received 'freedom', they were still limited and had to work under a different system called 'Apprenticeship' because they were denied other jobs.

An act was passed that everyone is equal, but how can that be true? Black people are still being made to feel inferior, they are still being discriminated against for their skin. Black people are afraid to be Black simply because of the way they are treated or will be treated.

I was listening to a powerful spoken word and one line the black male said stuck with me. He said, "I am afraid to tell my girlfriend let us wait until marriage because I am afraid she will see me in a casket before she sees me in a tuxedo." Doesn't this just break your heart?

How many times must people of color chant, "I can't breathe." "I am unarmed." "Please don't shoot me." "Why are you hitting me?" "They are going to kill me." before it all stops.

It is many many years after slavery was abolished and white supremacy and privilege are still a prominent aspect of society.

I hope and pray for a change that will come sooner rather than later.

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