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Stop discrimating people for their skin colour.

Stop excluding people from social groups, jobs, schools because they're black or they're white.

Stop judging someone who's white for hanging out with someone who's black.

Stop being racist!

Racism is a problem that's ignored or overlooked in most countries. It's also a problem that's taken very seriously in other countries.

You kill innocent people because they're black.

They were harmless.



Yet you made it your duty to take their life away.

Accuse them of things they would never do.

Just because a person is black doesn't mean that they're violent.

Just because a person is white doesn't mean they're wealthy.

But how can I make anyone believe that?

When you watch the TV and all you ever see is a black man abusing his wife or a white man spending lavishly.

Why do you never show the achievements of a black person and the notorious behavior of a white person.


Because you don't stand for equality between the races.

Instead you become an instigator for interracial battles.

Racism all started because of history.

The whites never saw the blacks/coloured as humans.

They classified them as animals/cannibals.

If they ever once viewed them as a human they called them "low ranking humans."

How can you be so cruel to someone because they are a different colour from you?

Because they have more melanin than you?

Because they're darker than you?

Why don't we just end racism?

It's bringing about unnecessary quarrels and disputes.

It's bringing about murder of innocent people.

It's bringing about discouragement for interracial relationships and friendships.

A white girl can't be with a black boy.

A black girl can't be with a white boy.

They'd be knocked down for that.













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