I Am NOT Suicidal

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A/n: One of my favorites I've ever written.

I'm not suicidal, says almost every suicidal person you come across.

I don't cut, says almost every person who slices their wrist like it's a sport.

I'm not phased, says every broken human who cries only when they are in the comfort of their home.

It seems to me like people can't see through the fake smiles and jovial personality but it's not difficult to see.

It's not hard to identify the broken ones among us, we just choose to ignore them.

We avoid them for the ones who are pretending and seeking attention because their cuts are longer, their cry is louder, their smile is faker.

Have you ever asked what their story was?

What was it that made them do that?

I'm sure you haven't since all you're focused on is buying them with fake pity.

So much fake, unreal things in this world that you're just left to ponder on what really is real?

Where will I find the real among the fake?

It'll be the hardest task because the fake dress up like the real so well.

They fool you into thinking that they're there for you but don't hesitate to stab you right in your heart when you do need them.

I'm sorry that I'm not good enough.

I'm sorry my smile is not beautiful enough.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be supportive enough for you. *slice*

I'm sorry that I was even made. *slice*

I'm sorry about being a mistake. *slice*

Apologizing for things you can't change is one way to take the pain away. Not!

I'm not suicidal.

I promise.


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