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Why must you judge someone for who they are?

Why must you judge someone for who they choose to love?

Why is someone's decision your biggest issue?

Why make it your perogative to tell someone what they can do in their life?

People make decisions based on different factors but opinions should never be one of them.

This is not the kind of opinions such as when buying clothes when you ask your friends which one do they like more? They'd reply with "the red one is cute." "no the blue one is sexy." or /I really like the pink one. It's not those kind of opinions.

No, your opinion is one to have a negative impact in a person's life when you try to tell them how to live.

Who somebody chooses to love is their choice not yours.

What if someone was not born like you.

What if they had bigger eyes, thicker thighs, broad hips, collar bones or more fat on their back than you?

You're not in the position to tell anyone what they can and cannot be.

If the person is not comfortable in their own skin and want to change, then it's their choice.

Don't discriminate a man because he changes to a woman or a woman because she changes to a man. It's what he/she feels comfortable with so they do it. They aren't here to please you but to please themselves.

If you don't agree with their choice then keep your demeaning opinion to yourself because if you were in their position you would just want everybody to accept you!

What if girls like other girls?
Or boys like other boys.

Why must you criticize them or make them feel inferior because of their attraction?

If that's what interests them then let them be!

What if they've been hurt so much in the past by the other gender they decide to be with their own gender.

Don't say that they're not really into girls/boys because they were attracted to the opposite gender for a long time.

Just like the tides people change and feelings do too.

Don't attack bisexuals, lesbians or gays with your "God said to be fruitful and multiply" shit because I'm still looking for the verse where God said to share.

God also said that some people are meant to remain single and unmarried so don't tell these people that they are wrong or disobeying God. Everybody commits sins. Stop making it look like theirs is the biggest because you've probably done worse.

Don't bully them or make them feel inferior because of their attractions. Think about their feelings for once in your damn life.

Think "How would I feel if I were in their shoes?"

Stop treating gay people like they're not humans. They are! We all breathe the same air and contain the same blood.


Whoever you decide to be with let it be your decision and don't let people influence that choice. Your happiness is the one that matters in the end.

~Victory Sneakers

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