025 - Suzie

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~Your POV~

"Bald Eagle. I've reached another junction." Murray's voice erupted from the small speaker. "This is what?" Dustin questioned. "The fourth junction," Erica answered for him. "Alright, so if memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony Thesis." Me and Robin exchanged a questioning glance at the mention of My Little Pony.

"We went left, so he has to go right." "Fly right, Bald Eagle, fly right." "Roger that, flying right," Murray replied to Dustin, with an ongoing annoyance breaking in his voice.

"So, what's the My Little Pony thesis?" Robin spoke up, asking the question for the both of us. "Don't get him started," Erica rolled her eyes. "Get him started? Just tell me-"

"Hey, guys?" Steve called out to us. He was standing near the slope of the hill, looking out across the trees. We all sat up from the ground and rushed over to his side, looking in the same direction he was.

There were lights flashing everywhere around the mall. "Oh, shit," I mumbled, and we all ran back to the radio tower to make contact.

"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy? Griswold family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop, do you cop-" Before Dustin could finish, a screech came from the speaker. Dustin continued yelling into the radio, though we all knew no one was going to answer back. "Dustin, they're not gonna answer," I told him, laying a hand on his shoulder.

When another roar sounded, Steve starting running off. "Where are you going?!" Erica yelled. "To get them the hell out of there! Stay here, contact the others!"

"Shit," Robin cursed, before running off to join him. I got off my feet too, joining her on her run to Steve. "Guys, wait!" We both turned around. "Stay in touch," Dustin told us, tossing me a SuperCom, which I handed to Robin.

When we reached Steve, he was already in the drivers seat of the car, switching the gears. I again hopped in the back as Robin went in the passengers.

Steve pressed down on the gas to get us going in reverse, back down the hill. "Buckle up," Steve said as we landed back down on the winding street.

Without question, I buckled my seat belt, and tightened it, honestly fearing the ride ahead of us.

~Small Time Skip~

Steve drove faster than what I would've thought, like he could beat the devil. When we pulled into Starcourt, the lot was empty, besides what I thought to be Billy Hargrove's Camero, but I guess that wouldn't make much sense. How could he be mixed up in this?

The car was driving straight towards another, where Nancy stood on the side with a gun in her hands."Steve?" I questioned, noticing that he hadn't stopped pressing down on the gas yet. "Steve!" I screamed, right before we made our collision with the Camero. My head jerked forward as we came to a stop after hitting it.

"Are you two okay?" Steve turned his head to look at me and Robin. I didn't give him an answer, but instead just looked at him. Robin told him to ask her tomorrow.

"Oh, shit," Robin stood up to get a better look at the direction her head was pointed in. "What?" I questioned, before unbuckling my seat belt and getting a look for myself.

There was a giant fucking monster climbing on top of the roof of the mall. When it looked in our direction, it roared. I could feel its breath, despite the long distance between me and it.

"Get in!" Nancy and Jonathan pulled up next to us in their car. We all hopped out of the Toddfather and got into the back. "Oh my fuck, what the FUCK is that?!" I shouted, looking out through the back window.

"The Mind Flayer," Lucas answered. "That- That's the big weapon made from melted people?" I exclaimed, breathing out most of the words.

"You have got to be fucking with me," I sighed, before putting my head in my hands, not wanting to look back behind me.

After about of minute of keeping in this position, I lifted my head when a voice erupted from the SuperCom. "Dusty-Bun, you copy?" A girls voice called. "I copy, Suzie-poo. It sounds much better now, thanks." Me, Robin, and Steve all looked at each other, thinking the same exact thing: Suzie.

Dustin and her went on talking for a few seconds, before he agreed to do something at her threatening to stop replying. We all listened for a moment in silence, before Dustin's voice rang through the speaker, except..he was singing?

Us three looked ahead of us into the car, where Lucas and Will were looking back too. "Wow," I laughed, feeling a bit relieved, completely ignoring the fact that I was cramped up in the back of the car and getting chased down by a monster.

By the time Suzie and Dustin were done singing, there was a change in mind for the Mind Flayer. We all knew something was wrong as soon as Steve started yelling that it was turning around. "What?" Nancy looked back at us. "It's turning around!" "Maybe we wore it out," Lucas suggested, but Jonathan disagreed, telling us to hold on.

He jerked the steering wheel to the right, doing a tight U-turn in the road, bringing us back on our way to the mall.


I will be updating this like a bit more than I usually might bc- there's not a lot left to write MEANING this book'll end soon. Lowkey kinda sad. Anywayssss I hope you guys enjoyed this and have a great day/night, stay tuned for the ending chapters <3

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