019 - On Our Way

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~Your POV~

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve yelled.

Dustin and Erica dragged him, Robin, and I onto the back of some cart. "Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" "It's the Indy 300!" "No, Dingus, it's 500!" "300!"

I saw Erica look back at us, "Could you tell them to, I don't know, shut up?"

"Let's say a million." Robin and Steve burst out in laughter as she said this.

I leaned over Robin to tap Erica's shoulder through the fence-like piece that was separating me, Robin, and Steve from her and Dustin. She looked back at me. "They got the drugs wrong," I winked at her before falling back laughing, nearly tumbling back and hitting against the door of the vehicle. Robin, though, caught me by the arm before I could do so.

She pulled me in front of her, wrapping her legs around my torso and resting her head on my shoulder. "You almost DIED there, buddy," she laughed.

She pulled me even closer to her, her breasts pushing against my back.

"Dustin, watch out!" I turned my head a little to see what Erica was yelling to him about, but got slammed backwards, all while hearing what sounded like a bunch of metal getting knocked over. Robin groaned, rubbing her forehead with her hand.

"You guys all right back there?" Dustin asked, looking back at us. "No, you sloppy bitch!" I slurred, making Dustin and Erica look at each other, "they're fine." "Sorry, Dusty!" I yelled, letting out a small laugh.

The door of the machine then opened, Dustin and Erica standing there. "What's going on?" I asked, more confused than I should be. "Come on. We gotta go, now." I looked at Dustin blankly for a moment before he clapped his hands in my face. "Get out!"

I scrambled out of the box, falling to the floor on my knees, with Steve and Robin behind me. I stood up, wiped off my uniform with my hands, and then followed Dustin the few feet he walked. "What are you doing?" I squinted my eyes to see Dustin taking a card from his pocket, and inserting it into a tiny slot, where a formerly red button turned green, and then I remembered.

"No way, buddy, you got the key card!" I laid my arm across Dustin's hat, resting my head on my shoulder, before he swiped away my arm. "Be quiet." He told me, just as the door parted open.

We all walked in discreetly, then got louder.

"Hey, Steve, get on the red thing," I pointed to a red thing with wheels, the thing they used to move boxes. "Okay," he said, jumping on it, and Robin and I held on to the back of it. "Keep it steady!" I yelled, nearly falling over as the elevator started up.

"Hey, hey! You look like you're surfing," Robin laughed, me and her watching Steve as he wobbled on the cart. "Surfing! Yeah!" After about fifteen more seconds, Steve fell and rolled over on the floor. "Wipeout!" Robin pointed her hands at him.

"Robin, maybe we should try," I laughed, and she nodded her head violently. "We should, you go first, I will NOT let you fall!" I smiled at her, then Erica, before standing on the red thing. "No, no!" Erica marched over to me and Robin, took me by the arm, and led me to the floor. "No more, 'surfing.'"

Robin sat next to me on the floor, and we watched Dustin tend to Steve.

"How many times, dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." "Dustin's a dad?" I asked, turning to Robin. "Maybe he and that camp girl he was talking about, like, fucked," I said, my eyes widening.

I ignored what I just thought and turned back to Steve and Dustin, Dustin still leaning over Steve. "Are you gonna die on us?" Dustin asked him, but Steve only booped his nose. "We all die, my strange little child friend," Robin was now playing with her hair, "it's only a matter of how..and when." Dustin looked at her in pure confusion, then again turned back to Steve.

"They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car." Dustin said. "Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" "I would kill for a hot dog on a stick." "And I want chili cheese fries.." "All right, yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked."

"Uh-oh," Steve said, and Dustin looked at him alarmingly. "Uh-oh?" "The car's off the board." "What?" "They took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys. Like, forever ago." Steve fumbled through the pockets of his sailor uniform, pulling out nothing but the white abyss.

"And they took my scooper. They took my ice cream scooper, too, and I liked that scooper," I said, Robin bursting out in laughter.


I feel like this is, like, weirdly rushed. But..I haven't updated this in what would be a month in two days, which I apologize for, I do believe that it's the longest I've gone without updating. But no, yeah, I decided to update before I got back to school from Thanksgiving break (which happy thanksgiving, if you celebrate it!) so I hope you enjoyed this. Have a great day/night, bye

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