017 - Help

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~Your POV~

"Who do you work for?" I stared up at the man, who then leaned down to strike his large hand against my face.

"Shit!" I cried, on reflex trying to grab at where I'd been hit, but couldn't because of the cuffs that held my hands close together.

"I told you, I don't work for anybody. We just got stuck in the elevator-" --another smack-- "neither of us work for anybody! Do you see what we're wearing?! We work for the ice cream shop, up in the mall?" I tried my hardest to gesture to my uniform.

The man leaned down again, peering at my red name tag, then going silent. He looked at the two other men behind him, who then picked me up with no trouble at all.

They carried me into a room, despite my almost effortless kicks in the air. "Fuck off!" I yelled, before they tossed me to the hard floor.

"Steve, Steve!" I looked to my side to see Robin, looking over Steve's unconscious body and calling his name. "Robin," I crawled over to her, now by her side.

My breaths now getting heavy and short, I lifted both of my arms up and hitting them on Steve's back, where he still gave no response to either of us.

After Robin calling his names a few more times, someone walked in from the door.

"What did you do to him? What did you do?!" Robin stood on her knees to the man, who then slapped her with the back side of her hand, knocking her down.

I struggled to stand up on my feet, but still managed. "Don't you fucking touch her!" I yelled, before running my body into his, practically slamming into him, but he did nothing and stayed silent. When I tried running into him again, he pushed me back, my back knocking against the floor.

I screamed in pain as I felt all the air escape my lungs and the sharp pain in my back.

The man who knocked me down spoke in Russian to the three men who were accompanying him in the room. They moved three chairs into the center of the room, then lifting me, Robin, and Steve onto them.

They used a buckle-like thing to hold all of us together, which made me groan in pain.

Steve and Robin were back to back, me on the side. I looked to my side to see Steve's head getting lifted up by his hair, the Russian man shaking his head. "I think your friend need a doctor," The man spoke in English. He walked around Steve, now standing in between me and Robin.

"Good thing," He leaned in towards Robin, then me. "We have the very best." "Fuck off," I told him, which made him take his large hand to my chin. He turned back to the other men, laughing. He let go of me and then turned back to face Robin, who spat in his face. He stopped laughing, pulling a white handkerchief from his green suit pocket and wiping it across his face.

"You're going to regret that, little bitch." The man stepped away, mumbling something in Russian to the men, then walked out of the room with them.

"Bastards!" Robin yelled. "Let us out, let us out!"

~Time Skip~

Robin was still yelling, despite how useless it was being. "Robin?" I turned my head as far as I could to her. "Dustin and Erica will be back." "God, what if someone saw them? Help!" Robin immediately went back to yelling.

"Hey, would you stop yelling?" Steve's voice was raspy and dry. "Steve, oh my god!" Robin started panting. "Steve..are you okay?" "My ears are ringing, and I can't really breathe, my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good." I let out a sigh of relief at Steve speaking a full sentence.

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