016 - Caught

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~Your POV~

After looking at the machine for a minute more, Dustin and Steve exchanged a glance, "the gate."

We decided to go back through the door again and began climbing down the stairs. "I don't understand," Robin said. "You've seen this before?" "Not exactly," Steve replied. "All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin added.

"How bad?" I questioned, and Steve looked at me unsurely. "It's really bad." "Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad," Dustin said, just as we landed back on the floor.

"And you know about this, how?" Robin looked at Dustin, a clear look of confusion and fear on her face.

"Um, Steve?" Erica looked at him, "where's your Russian friend?"

I took a quick look around. "Shit," I mumbled to myself.

Just then, an alarm started going off in short, brief buzzes, along with the flash of a red light. "Shit," Steve ran opened the door to look out.

"Is there a way out?" I ran to his side, getting a look for myself. There was a group of Russians, armed, and a few in lab coats. They looked up at us and started running.

"Go!" Steve yelled, pushing us through another side door, which led us to go through another one.

The room with the machine.

Robin was running ahead of me, which gave me an uneasy feeling. I got a hold of her hand once we stopped running. We were right next to the machine. When I got a better look of the gate, I could see how it was being spread apart, like when you break a Snickers bar?

I was yanked away from the sight by Robin, as the guards started to catch up to us, started running down a small flight of stairs.

It was almost impossible to see where we were going, due to the lack of lights, and the dim outline of black figures.

We ran through another door, where me and Robin finally let go of each other's hands. Steve was pressing his body up against the door. "Robin, Y/n!" He yelled, as Dustin and Erica ran across the room, where they seemed to find a trapdoor or something.

Me and Robin exchanged a glance before running over to Steve and pressing our own bodies against the door.

"Come on!" Dustin yelled. "No, just go!" Steve yelled back. "Come on, now!" "No, just go get some help, okay?!"

Dustin stopped in his tracks. "What are you doing, just go!"

"I won't forget you," Dustin said, before going into the trapdoor, almost unnoticeably.

The door then bursted open, slamming each of our bodies against the hard floor.

The men who were armed and in uniforms pulled their guns—pistols—on us, where we held our hands up.


This is really short, but..I'm trying my hardest. And I'll try to update in a few days. ALSO thanks for 13k. It's appreciated. I love you guys. And as I said in the last part, thanks for supporting this story. But yeah. I hope you have a great day/night, byee

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