002 - First Day On The Job

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~Your POV~

I walked into Scoops Ahoy, fully dressed and looking like a shit show. "Y/n, you got the job!" Steve yelled with minor excitement. "Beat it, Harrington. I'll tell her what to do." Robin approached from behind the counter.

"Just say ahoy and smile." She said, handing me an ice cream scooper. "Thanks," I gave a brief smile before standing behind the register, Robin standing by my side, in case I needed her assistance.

Just as things started to get quiet, a small group of kids walked in, one abusively ringing the silver bell that laid on the counter. "Hey, dingus, your children are here," Robin said. Steve then slid open the glass doors, sighing. "Again? Seriously?" He questioned, then letting  them go through the back.

I looked back at Steve. "He's been sneaking them into R Rated movies. It's normal," Robin said, grabbing a bright red cherry from the counter and popping it into her mouth.

~Robin's POV~

I took a cherry from the variety of toppings and tossed it into my mouth, just as another group of kids barge up to the counter. I rolled my eyes, looking at Erica. "Let me guess. USS Butterscotch?" I said, and she nodded her head, giving me a devious smile.

I grabbed one of the small red testing spoons, dipped it in the ice cream, and handed it to her.
She licked the spoon and tossed it to the side.
"You can take this one," I said, patting Y/n's shoulder.

I watched as Erica bossed her around, Y/n having to give her a test of every flavor.

~Time Skip>Your POV~

"What do you see we sneak in to watch The Breakfast Club?" Robin asked me. "Really?" I asked, a small smile making its way onto my face. "Really. It's free, and we both deserve it after Erica bringing in her posse of ten year olds." She laughed, revealing her pearly white teeth.

"Alright." I said. "Steve, you're in charge." Robin said, handing Steve a set of keys. "Hey, hey, hey. Where are you two going?" He asked. "To watch a movie. Can you handle serving ice cream alone, dingus?" She remarked, then grabbing my hand and leading me through a door that was in the back room.

After she checked to see if anyone was watching, we hurried into the theater.


Here's another chapter! And honestly I apologize if I'm not portraying Robin correctly, because that's how it seems to me..but I mean..I hope you enjoyed this, and stay tuned for the next part. Have a great day/night <3

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