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Walls~Louis Tomlinson

Ghost of You~5 Seconds of Summer

"Numbing the pain for awhile will make it worse when you finally feel it."

J.K. Rowling

~Jack's POV~

"Hey guys didn't Em say she was just going to pee?" Hank asked us, causing Henry to nod.

"Maybe someone should make sure she's alright? I mean I can't imagine that conversion was easy for her," Sky suggested.

"I will, you guys get all set up," I offered. Em had always been like a little sister to me so for as long as I can remember I was always the one to check on her and take care of her in situations like this. I was without a doubt the most mature in the group and that caused me to be pretty protective of all of them, especially Em.

I stood up after taking out my school supplies and walked over to the bathroom that was provided in our "safety room".

"Em? You okay?" I asked, softly knocking on the door. I could hear a slight rustling on the other side of the door before she answered.

"Yeah," Her voice cracked as she answered, making it obvious she had been crying. I wasn't going to mention it, she had every right to be upset. Her sister just tore her apart in front of everyone and she didn't seem to regret a single word. I can't even imagine how she must be feeling right now. Her and Reece have always been best friends. I'm not one to pick sides but with everything that's going on right now it's pretty clear to me the Reece is overreacting.

"Yep all good just got caught up on my phone give me a second," I knew she was lying but I decided I wouldn't let her think that I knew anything. After all, it's perfectly understandable for her to be upset right now.

"Okay," I said, forcing a laugh, "We'll be waiting," I finished and walked back over to the table. I wasn't going to give her a hard time out being upset and I certainly wasn't going to let anyone else do it either.

"When she comes back, whether she looks like she's been crying or not, don't you dare say a word," I said, threatening the rest of the group.

"Of course not, poor thing," Sky sighed in response. Everyone seemed to be in agreement.
Seconds later the bathroom door opened, none of us could help but look over to Em who's eyes were clearly red but at the same time, her face was clearly pale.

"Em? You alright you look-" I was cut off by her falling to the ground. In a panic we all rushed over. I lifted her head into my lap and grabbed her hand.

"Em? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me," I said softly, trying not to panic. No response.

"What the hell are we supposed to do?" Hank asked, clearly beginning to freak out. Suddenly fighting broke out among the group, clearly due to us all being panicked.

We argued for a good 30 seconds about what we should do but the truth is none of us knew. Even as I tried to listen to their suggestions everyone was talk all at once and it was impossible to understand a word anyone said.

"Don't be stupid!" Henry finally yelled over the chaos. "Someone go get everyone or at least her dad and for the love of god Jack check her pulse or something," He instructed. I was impressed that he managed to keep a level head while his girlfriend was in the state she was in right now. Nevertheless, I did what he said and tried to find a pulse in her wrist.

~Em's POV~

I jolted awake to a sharp pain in my arm. I took a moment to take in my surroundings as my wrist throbbed. I seemed to have fallen asleep in Jack's lap on the floor. This is confusing to me as I don't even remember falling asleep. Weren't we going to do homework? As I focused on the look of shock, confusion, and relief evident in the group around me, my eyes widened with realization.

"Oh my god are you ok?" Henry asked, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine," I responded, slightly out of breath.

"Can you stand up?" Jack questioned from behind me. I thought about it for a second before slowly nodding my head. Was it a good idea? Definitely not. But I was not about to let them know anything had just happened.

I took a deep breath before slowly rising to my feet, my vision blurred again but I was determined to push past it. Jack had stayed close to me, I assume in case I passed out again but he seemed to accept that he could back away now.

As my vision cleared I looked around at everybody again. Jack. Henry. Sky. Michael. Reese hadn't even looked up from her phone, she was still sitting on the couch scrolling through whatever she was looking at. I'm not going to lie, it hurt knowing that she didn't care what happened to me. I could have been rushed to the hospital and she wouldn't have batted an eye.

Concern hadn't dropped from the faces of everyone else as I realized something,

"Where's Hank?" I questioned, confusion evident across my face. Before any of them could give me an answer the door opened and everyone rushed in.

"Oh my god you're awake thank god," Hank said, it was clear he had panicked and I could help but smile, knowing that at least he cared about my well-being.

"What happened?" my dad asked, coming over to me. I just shrugged as Morgan picked me up and set me on the counter top.

"Does your head hurt or anything?" He asked after setting me down. I shook my head, the only place that hurt was my arm. But I wasn't about to tell them that.

"Does anywhere hurt?" My dad asked again, pushing past Morgan. I did my best not to hesitate or show any signs that I was lying and I shook my head, exactly like I had before.

"Have you eaten?" JJ spoke up from the door. I shook my head again, it was true I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday.

"I'll grab some food and water then," She said and left the room again.

"You alright?" My dad asked me, looking straight into my eyes. Why does he have to do that? It makes it so much harder to lie.

I found my eyes falling into my lap as I nodded, he clearly didn't accept my answer as he grabbed my hand and lifted my chin so I was looking at him again.

"Em you know that-" He was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Reid." He answered as he pressed the phone against his ear, clearly slightly annoyed at the interruption. However, as he listened to whatever the person on the line had to say his face slowly lit up again.

"On it," He said again before hanging up.

"I'm really sorry but we have an address, we'll talk later," He assured me before rushing out of the room. I didn't mind, a talk about feeling didn't exactly sound fantastic right now anyways.

I smiled slightly to myself, "Go save the world dad,"

"I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people."
Maya Angelou

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