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Lover of Mine~5 Seconds of Summer

Best Years~5 Seconds of Summer

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that prisoner was you."

Lewis B Smedes

~Em's POV~

I was laying with my head in Henry's lap, his hands running through my hair carelessly as we both focused on the movie. With the soft fabric of Henry's bedding nestled around me and my feet propped on a pillow, I finally felt at peace. Sure, there was still a lot to talk about, and we would have to talk about it soon, but right now we were both focused on the movie playing.

I watched anxiously as the elevator hung on by nothing but spiderman's webs, hoping for the best possible outcome. Henry continued to massage my head and lightly pull my hair in an attempt to calm my nerves, clearly unaware how it was making me feel. Slowly, I felt my focus shift less onto the movie and more on to Henry. I looked up at him to see his eyes were still focused on the movie and in this moment, I knew what I felt. All my doubts were pushed aside when I saw the light in his eyes, present from nothing more than a simple children's movie. As his hands moved against my scalp I finally had the confirmation I was looking for all this time.

I loved him. I loved Henry. I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life by his side. For so long I was battling myself, the truth was it wasn't Reese who was holding me back, it wasn't Henry, my dad, or our families. I was holding myself back from ever admitting my feelings, even to myself.

"Henry," I whispered, wanting nothing more than to tell him how much he means to me. The way he makes me feel like all my lost hopes are appearing right back in front of me. The way every time he touches me my heart skips a beat. The way that simply seeing his face makes me forget all the troubles in the world.

"Hmm," He hummed in reply, still not taking his eyes off the screen.

"I love you," He looked down and our eyes met. I could see he was shocked and to be honest so was I, but I know what I felt.

"Em, I love you too," He placed his lips on mine and it was in this moment that we both knew, we had found something special. We didn't need to deepen the kiss to find our love for eachother. I was all he wanted and he was all I needed.


~Spencer's POV~

The past few weeks have been hard to say the least. Em and Henry were doing great as a couple and as much as I hate to admit it, it is actually kind of a beautiful thing to watch. However, when it was just the girls at home there was only ever silence or fighting and I just couldn't help but miss when they were best friends. I missed them doing all their schoolwork together, picking out each other's outfits, or waking up early to surprise me with breakfast. Everything just seemed to be more simple and lighthearted and now it's broken and chaotic.

I had tried to talk to Reese but she wasn't having it. I don't know exactly what was said in their first few fights but with their current relationship, it couldn't have been good. Of course I have tried talking to Em as well, but at the end of the day there just isn't anything she can do. Even if she were to break up with Henry, their relationship would still be damaged.

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