Take My Hand

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"The master understands that the universe is forever out of control."

Lao Tzu

~Spencer's POV~

I was sitting in my office combing through some paperwork before I had to go to work. The girls hadn't gotten up yet so the house was eerily silent, the only sound was me flipping papers. Don't get me wrong it really was nice, it just felt weird, almost wrong. Finishing up quickly, I put the papers away and went to start making breakfast.

I decided on pancakes because that was the girls favorite thing to eat in the morning. As the plate piled up, I realized I should probably wake the girls so they could get ready before we had to leave. I didn't like leaving them home alone and neither did anyone else, so if we had to work on the weekends or nights they would sit with the other kids somewhere in the office.

I knocked softly on their door and opened it. They were both still sound asleep.

"Reese, Emily," I softly called to them. Em rolled over and looked at me. I smiled warmly at her.

"Reese baby it's time to get up," I tried again. She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes as she did so.

"Morning guys, pancakes are cooking but you need to get ready before you eat," I smiled again at the two, now very excited girls and left the room to continue cooking.

~Reese's POV~

"Do you want to shower first?" I asked looking over to Em.

"I guess," she said, getting up and walking out of the room. I laid back down for a minute just to think. Staring up at the multi-colored glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, I was reminded of when we were younger. Em had begged mom and dad for for the stupid stars for weeks. For an eight year old, she was pretty relentless. I smiled at the memory, she had wanted those stars so bad. Suddenly I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

Em- Dude can you pick out my clothes? I can't think of anything right now.

I quickly responded. This happened a lot, if Em didn't know what she was wearing before she got dressed she got really lazy with her appearance so she started asking me not that long ago, not that I was much better but we like to help each other out.

I went through her drawers and set an outfit on her bed. Quickly doing the same with mine.

For her, I picked out an oversized light gray sweater paired with a pair of simple black skinny jeans. I added in a fluffy gray beanie with a pompom and her black vans for accessories.

I decided on a similar outfit, given it was quite chilly out. I settled for a gray sweater with the batman logo in black and maroon skinny jeans. I added a simple maroon beanie and my glasses before throwing in my black boots to finish up the outfit.

After a few more minutes of me laying in bed, she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and I switched her places.


~Spencer's POV~

Just as I finished putting the last pancake on the plate Em walked in the room.

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