Line Without A Hook

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"If you're not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary."

Jim Rohn

~Reese's POV~

I jolt awake to a loud bang seeming to come from outside the house. Slowly, I sit up in bed and glance at the clock next to my bed, 10:07.

"I slept forever," I mumbled to myself as my bare feet hit the cold wood floor. The second my body left the blankets a shiver went up my spine. No doubt, all the windows in the house were open. The noise from outside became louder and louder as the rain fell harder. Em loved this weather but I really only liked it afterwards. The smell and the rainbows. That's the only good part. As I made my way downstairs the smell of fresh cookies hit my nose, I walked a little faster and found Em and Dad making chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen.

After exchanging good mornings I helped them move the warm cookies onto a big plate and carry it to the family room. It was a family tradition to have cookies and a movie day if the weather was bad on a day off. This caused a lot of movie days as the winter weather in Virginia is never good.

A few minutes later Em came down the stairs with a bunch of fluffy blankets and a couple of pillows. As usual for rainy days, we spent the entire day cuddled up on the couch and binge-watching Harry Potter together.


~Em's POV~

The sound of my alarm blaring woke me the next morning. Luckily, it woke Reese up as well so I don't have to try. I got out of bed to take a quick shower. I washed my hair and body then got out, allowing Reece to do the same. I picked out my clothes choosing a pastel pink sweater with clouds all over it, a pair of short overalls, and my converse with fries and burgers printed all over them.

I decided to set Reese's clothes out too. Choosing a simple white t-shirt with a potted cactus on it, and her olive green shorts with white white tassel detailing. I finished with her black converse and made my way downstairs to eat breakfast and make sure all my stuff was in my bag.

I grabbed a granola bar and my water bottle from the fridge, checking my bag as I ate. Only a few seconds after I had finished Dad and Reese walked in.

"Ready?" He asked, looking between the two of us. We nodded headed towards the car to go to school.


The bell echoed through the school causing everyone to sigh in relief as we walked out of class. The first few hours today have felt like actual hell and it was finally time for lunch.

"So what's the plan?" Michael asked.

"I really need to do some reading for English before we have to go," Hank answered. Suddenly everyone looked like a ghost.

"I completely forgot about that..." Reese said.

"I did too..." Sky agreed.

"Did anyone else actually do it?" Henry said looking around at everyone.

"I did," I answered with a shrug.

"Well then I guess it's just you and me today pal," He laughed. I nodded,

"Good luck getting all that done guys," I said as the two of us walked away, leaving them to the horror that would be their English homework.

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