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I Want To Write You a Song~One Direction

IDK You Yet~Alexander 23

"If the words don't add up, it's usually because the truth wasn't included in the equation."


~Henry's POV~

I'm really worried about Em. I've been trying to help her feel better for the past two hours but she hasn't wanted to move or talk. I'm starting to think that it might be best to call her dad in, I'm just really worried that something is really wrong.

"Em, do you want me to get your dad?" I asked her softly. She sat straight up and started to violently shake her head. I'm pretty sure she just didn't want to worry him while he was working but her reaction still seemed strange.

"Em if something is wrong it's important that we find out what it is," I tried explaining to her, knowing Spencer would want to know what was going on. Even if he was working

"No they're busy, I'm fine." She stated and put her head back down. I sighed. She's right her dad is busy, everyone is but I'm sure he would make time to come and check on her.

"Will you at least tell us what's going on?" Jack asked. I could tell he was also worried about her. He was the one in the group who had the big brother instincts, seeing as he was the oldest and we had practically grown up together. She sighed and sat up a little.

"I just have a headache and feel a little nauseous from being upside down," Jack and I made eye contact, showing that we both knew she wasn't telling us something but we decided not to push it. We had both been sitting with her the whole time and we knew it wasn't any use to try and push it out of her. It wasn't going to work.

"Ok, let me know if we can do anything," I sighed and Jack and I walked back to where everyone else was playing apples to apples.

~Em's POV~

I kept my head on the table for at least another hour. My head started to pound and ache. I truly started to feel unwell. I may have lied about it before but I usually accidentally make myself feel sick when I lie about feeling that way. Probably from my dad being able to tell my whole life if I was faking or not.

I listened to the sound of the blood rushing through my head as my ear lay against the table until I finally could drown out all the noise and fall asleep.


~Spencer's POV~

We had been working hard for the last 6 hours trying to get a basic profile of the killer so that we could later build onto it as we found more information. We all decided that we needed a little break so we decided it was time to go eat lunch and check on the kids. We walked down the hallway and grabbed lunch. I grabbed food for me and the girls.

Once we had our food we made our way to the part of the station where the kids were. We always had to find a super secure room because when you're constantly bringing your kids somewhere where a killer is known to be on the loose you kind of have to keep them safe. Not to mention that this time the girls were a perfect fit of this guys victimology.

I opened the door to the room and found the kids sitting in a circle on the floor playing board games. Em on the other hand was across the room with her head laid on a table, she looked like she was asleep. She could just be tired from last night but I feel like there's something else going on.

I gave a small gesture to the rest of the team signaling that I was going to go make sure she was okay for a bit and handed Reece's lunch to Morgan. I walked over to the table and sat next to her, slowly rubbing her back to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately closed again, almost as if the light hurt her head.

"You doing ok?"" I asked her softly. She weakly nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I'm great," She said as she made and attempt to sit up.

"Em, I'm not stupid, what's going on?" I asked, truly concerned.

"I just don't feel so good, sorry I know you're busy and..." I cut her off.

"I'm never to busy to help you if you really need it ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, save someones life by catching this guy or help me with my headache," She said sarcastically. I don't know what it was but something about her just seemed off, like something was really deeply bothering her. I shook my head.

"You are the most important person in the world to me okay? I'm always here for you first, and that's just the way it will be whether you like it or not," I said putting my hand back up to rub her back again.

"Yeah I guess," She sighed. I gave her a small smile, hoping something I said would help at least a little bit. I slid the paper bag across the table towards her.

"Eat, maybe it'll help make you feel a little better, you had a pretty small breakfast this morning," I said, "I'll bring you some more water in a little bit too and hopefully that will help your head," She nodded slightly and opened the bag to start eating.

We ate silently for a bit and I tried to think of a solution, I didn't really want to leave her if she wasn't feeling good but she was right, I'm am pretty busy.

"I'll be right back ok?" I asked her. She nodded and I walked over towards the others.

"Hey guys, anyone know anything about Em?" I asked, directed at the kids.

"I don't know, we we're messing around and then she got really weird all of a sudden and said she didn't feel good," Henry answered. I nodded and turned to the team.

"I don't want to leave her alone to sleep on a table but I'm not entirely sure I want her hearing what this guy does either," I proposed to them.

"We heard you talking on the plane, plus we kinda grew up hearing all this stuff," Michael said and he had a point. Besides she's just going to fall asleep anyways.

"Yeah I think she'll be fine," Morgan shrugged, "You can keep a better eye on her that way too," I nodded and walked back over to her.

"You want to come lay on the couch in our office room for the rest of the day? We might be here kind of late," She nodded gratefully and went to stand up to follow me out but lost her balance slightly. I caught her and just picked her up, I might look like I'm an actual stick but in the field I have to be able to carry someone and Em's very light, she might even be skinnier then me plus she's a lot shorter. Pushing past all my worries, I laid her on the couch and we got back to work.

"Sometimes when I say 'I'm okay' I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say 'I know you're not'"

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