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Little Things~One Direction

Arms of a Stranger~Niall Horan

"I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare let out."

Ally Carter

~Em's POV~

It had been about a week sense Henry and I started dating. We had kept it super secret except for the fact that apparently Michael had seen our texts messages so he knew. Which was absolutely fantastic. He wasn't exactly the most quite one in the group.

Lucky, he hadn't made a big deal about it so far so that's good, more like a miracle actually. He seemed kind of happy about it actually... which is beyond weird to me.

"Em! Reese! It's time for school!" I heard my dad call from downstairs. I quickly finished tying my shoes and ran down the stairs, Reese right behind me.

Dad rushed us out the door, handing us both a granola bar in the process. As I realised it was raining Reece and I both took off towards the car and waited impatiently for dad to unlock it.

After what seemed like an eternity, we got in the car and dad started to drive to school. I watched the rain trickle down the windows and played the rain drop racing games that Aunt Penelope taught us when we were younger. After a good thirty minutes we pulled up to the school. Great. My favorite place.

"Be good girls!" My dad called as we climbed out of the car.

"Yes sir!" I saluted him. He drove away chuckling. Time for a nice boring day.


Everyone was standing around my locker when the bell for first period rang. We started walking to class and Henry and I fell behind everyone else on the walk. We could hear them whispering to each other which is obviously the best sign in the world.

"I hate it when we keep secrets from each other," I sighed.

"Me too Em, but we've got no place to judge right now," He said. I guess that's true, we were in fact, hiding our relationship from everyone else. We finally made it to class and sat down in our normal places. I couldn't help but realize that something had changed. Reese was glaring at me and when I tried to look back to her, she would look away. What the heck did I do? I spent the rest of class staring off into space. Today was already starting off terribly.

When the bell for next period came we all walked silently to our next class. I decided maybe I should talk to Reese since we sit together in this class.

"Hey, are you okay what's up?" She just shot me another glare and shook her head, clearly upset about something. Only problem was I had no idea what.

"I can't believe you," She spat towards me. What? then it all clicked. Michael must have told them about me and Henry.

"Reese, I'm sorry I wish I could have told you..."

"Save it, I don't want to hear it," she cut me off. I felt everything in my body sink. I truly made her this upset. I hid this from her because I was too selfish to risk losing Henry. I knew it was wrong, otherwise I wouldn't have kept it from them. I stood from my seat and walked to the teacher.

"Umm excuse me, I'm not feeling the best, may I please use the restroom?" I asked him. He nodded, clearly not caring wether I was there or not. I held back the tears as I walked out of the classroom and through the halls. I had seriously messed this one up.

I got to the bathroom and tucked my feet up. I sat in that stall for longer then I could know, just crying. She hated me, she hated me and it was all my fault. If only I hadn't let my stupid feelings take control. That never ends well, feeling are stupid anyways. Not to mention I put mine before hers. How could I be so stupid?

I just sat there, letting the tears flow down my face. By the time the bell rang for the third time I figured I should show up to class. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I walked to my next period which happened to be my last period with my face red and puffy. Henry quickly jumped up and motioned for me to stay at the doorway.

He quickly talked with the teacher, motioning over to me once. She handing him a few pieces of paper and then he walked back over to me. He walked past me and I followed behind him, wondering where he was taking me and why we left class.

He walked out the doors to the school and I hesitated for a moment before following him out. He stood by the passenger door to his car and as I walked closer his arms opened. I ran to him and he wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Have you been crying all this time?" He whispered into my ear. I nodded softly, begging to cry again.

"Tell me everything,"

"Everyone knows," I cried, he pulled me away from him and nodded.

"I know," He said looking into my eyes. "You'll always have me okay? I'll always be here for you, no matter what," He pulled me back into a hug and we just stood there for a while, enjoy each other's embrace. Enjoying being together.

"We should head," He sighed I nodded and sighed too.

"What if they tell everyone tonight?" Panic began to rise into my voice, "My dad will kill me,"

"Hey it'll be okay," He comforted me. "We'll figure it out,"


"So, you guys have sex in the parking lot or what?" Reese retorted as she stormed into the room we do our homework in. My face flashed red and I could tell Henry was getting mad, he knew she was hurting me right now.

"No we didn't thank you very much," He said back calmly.

"Whatever," She rolled her eyes. Right then, the door opened again and in came our parents.

"Guys we've got to go," Hotch announced.

"Do we have to go?" Reese whined.

"Yes, we're not sure if it's going to be a short trip or not," My dad responded. "You guys can finish your work on the Jet, now let's go," He finished.

We all sighed, gathering up our schoolwork. After getting our school bags put together we all grabbed our suitcases that we had to have packed here. We ended up going with our parents more often then not since the majority of us didn't have another parent at home.

We quickly loaded the Jet and took off. I wasn't excited to go on another case, especially not with the current situation. I knew things between the group were only going to get worse. At least our parents will be distracted enough that maybe they won't notice.

"Guys, you know the drill be quiet so that we can talk okay?" Morgan said. We all nodded and said a chorus of 'I knows'.

So we did, we sat silently, doing our schoolwork for close to 2 hours before we landed in Miami.

"With a secret like that, at some point the secret itself becomes irrelevant. The fact that you kept it does not."
Sara Gruen

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