59: Tears of Wounded Heart

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“Sierra...” Spencer murmured as he raised his gaze and his wistful eyes saw the woman he had been waiting for. The woman wore the t-shirt with a print of the cartoon character ‘Tom’ that he had given when he was going on his way to province. The head scarf was also on Sierra's head and no longer wearing the bonnet in black she usually wears.

But the smiles on Sierra's face suddenly disappeared. Her hands were weak as she was about to withdraw the box she was holding, containing the cheesecake she had made for Spencer. Her feet were fainted as she stepped backwards but she had to leave that place so she decided to run.

When Spencer saw that, he formed a huge force and pushed Darlene away. He doesn't care if Darlene falls or hit to the ground. It was more important for him to go and follow Sierra.

Spencer ran to chase after Sierra but stopped when he looked down below where he saw the box that Sierra had been holding before.

He opened the box and immediately read what was written on top of the cheese cake— “Happy Birthday, Cheesy Man! Sorry. Sorry.”

When he read it he immediately stood up and resumed his run. He searched for Sierra and tried everything he could to find his friend.

“Sierra!” shouted Spencer.

Sierra heard it and didn't want to turn around.

But she could do nothing but look back to where Spencer's voice had come from to see the guy.

In the unlikely circumstance, her lonesome eyes witnessed an odd episode and before she could turn, she heard a loud noise from a car's horn deafening around and then followed by the loud shout of people.

They are now surveilling and patrolling in the area of a bloody boy lying on the road near Ayala Triangle Gardens where it came from. The vehicle that bumped off Spencer had stopped in front of him. People are still raging like Sierra who seems to be horrifying.

She was so shocked at what she saw and didn't know what to do. It seems to repeat the painful incidents that have occurred in the past. Her fears and anxiety are triggered again.

She ran away, instead of watching the breathless friend showered with blood.

She ran.

Away from the unconscious man.

She did not approach it either, or even touched its body.

She couldn't even see the man in that situation.



She couldn't.

She returned to their house and stayed in her bedroom. It was late at night and she had really no intention of going out or showing anyone. The song she played on his cellphone served as a lullaby that put her to sleep— “Pasensya Ka Na / Silent Sanctuary”.


Spencer was still fighting between death and life but he eventually gave up. His heartbeat had stopped and the electrocardiogram on which his heart condition was monitored had gone the up and down lines; the line now at the monitor was flat and parallel as it sounded a deafening high-pitched sound— sound indicated a human's heart that is not beating anymore.

All the people who care about Spencer are angry with Sierra today because of Spencer's death. Spencer's mom and Wennard's step dad, Reggie, his best friend and especially Darlene.

“You! Leech! Damn you at all!” Darlene awarded a loud slap to Sierra's face.

“Mamatay ka na!” That's what she heard over and over again and the words couldn't get out of her mind.

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