49: Everything's Changed

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Dedicated to Karylle Yap @geminirylle

Dedicated to Karylle Yap @geminirylle

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49: Everything's Changed

A month went by and Spencer was just playing baseball with his teammates in Pampanga to prepare for the New Year's Baseball Cup yet it will be held next year after New Year's Day; they'd been working too hard for the fight for they always wanted to win. In his busy days, good he never forgot to send a voice message to Sierra through Instagram direct message. He talks about what happened to him- every second, every minute of his stay and everything passed and came about his day- during his vacation in Pampanga. Often sends his sarcastically beautiful and charming voice singing Silent Sanctuary songs even though he knows the girl doesn't like those band songs and even though he knows Sierra doesn't want to hear them either. He doesn't mind howbeit his voice whenever he sings, sounds like a choking goat or imagine an abused puppy crying for being beaten up was a dead-on description.

But little do he know, albeit his voice sounds like a crap, Sierra still accepts him. It's fine and no big deal for her actually- but still trying not to be glitzy as that's what she is. She's not showy and she don't want to smile, that's why. Yet, Spencer always makes her happy by his voice messages, the secretly joyful lady always wait for it to listen to. The cheesy guy always stalks her philosopher friend on Twitter, retweeting its latest posts again and again. Many months still passed by and he enjoys his stay at the province. He's helping her aunties at their restaurant 'Auntie Cuisine' and he didn't noticed that the day he's waiting for has come the moment he wake up- the month where students will meet and see each other again.

Smile is still evident to Spencer's face from the hugs of her aunties, cousins and friends when he left Pampanga to come back home at Makati. Look how fast the day comes by. It's funny to think that it was like yesterday- a marker always he holds as he was putting an 'x' to each day on calendar every after he'll wake up for awhile, even ripped off the fourth and last page of it. His almost sixty days of vacation is over! The month of June has already rule the calendar!

Spencer happily left his room after putting on his uniform and bringing all of the school stuffs he needed. He and Sierra had not been in communication since enrollment days and the week before their schooling start so he was excited to see that Philosopher friend. He wants to know if anything has changed with her or none?

Meanwhile, Sierra is just getting dressed and listening to the song- "Masanay Ka Muna / Silent Sanctuary". Now, she was being influenced by her cheesy man friend Spencer, who always delivered a voice message to her; she doesn't even know if he's really singing for he sounded like a kid reciting a kindergarten-like poem in every voice mail. She's guilty for before, he used to dislike Silent Sanctuary, not because he didn't like Spencer's music taste but in fact that everytime she heard a music of that band- she always remember someone he didn't want to- his dad who also loves the songs of that OPM band. But now, the person she remembers when she's hearing one of the Silent Sanctuary song is the cheesy man named Spencer which is a good friend of her.

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