Chapter 1

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Clint POV

Usually things have been pretty boring. But lately the tesseract is said to be acting up. So things getting more intresting.

I watch as Nick is talking to Dr. Selvig. Of course I only focus on my job. There are other places I'd rather be. People I'd rather hang out with. But I'm stuck here watching this tesseract.

I don't understand why Dr. Selvig is saying "she" it's just a cube, that glows, and acts up. Nevermind it can seem like a woman. Like not the cube, or glowing part, but the acting up. That's definitely a women's trait. Haha.

"Up in his nest, as usual." I hear Dr. Selvig say. Well that's nice.

"Angent Barton. Report." Nick says through me ear piece. Well that's great. I now have to get up, and do things.

"I gave you this detail, so you could keep a close eye on things."

"Well, I see better from a distance." I reply as we walk. Ah, my sister always called a me a hawk. That's how I got my nickname, and decided to use it ever since.

"Have you seen anything that might set this thing off?" Nick asks

"No one's come or gone. And Selvig's clean. No contacts, no IM's. If there was any tampering sir, it wasnt at this end."

"At this end?" He asks a little frustrated.

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right?" I say looking over at him, "Doors open from both sides."

The cube acted up again, and I take a defensive stance. Great. Now the building is shaking.

I stare at the cube. Completely confused on what it is doing. I dont think it works like this.

A gust of air, fromm the cube piles out. Also with a blinding light, we all had to turn away. And I have to try to keep my balance.

Of course when I look back over a the cube I see a figure. Great. Now there's a shady man. Why did I agree to do this again? Oh right. I work here.

The man seems to be holding a glowing stick. Well, I guess we met a wizard.

"Sir, please put down the spear!" Nick calls out.

The werid looking man. Looks at his staff. And back to Nick. Then he aims it at us, and blue orb comes flying towards us. I grab Nick and tackle him to the ground. Making sure neither of us gets hit by that blast.

I pull out my gun and aim it towards the guy. But he doesn't seem to be taking any bullets. And blasts us again with his staff. I bolt out of the way. Nearly missing it. What the heck is wrong with this guy.

I get up. Only to be grabbed by this mysterious man. And he twists my arm.

"You have a heart." He says, and in the next moment he taps his staff on my chest. Then my mind goes blank and it seems my vision goes black.

Well. That was fun. Thought I'd start with the wonderful Clint Barton. Um. This is going to be a fun story to write. To be honest.

At the start of the chapter I put song I really like. Or a song that could represent the chapter. Just for fun, so you guys get to know what I listen to on a daily basis.

Either way, I would love to hear from you guys. And would love feedback. And if you guys have ANY ideas, I will definitely think about them! Either way. LOVE YOU!

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