Be My Forever - Chp. 7

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AN: Check my 'Devon has stuff to say' for some updates on what's been going on. I'm sure you guys are looking for answers, and I'll fit em all in there.


I know I say this a lot, but any night that Sora is beside me, it's so much easier to sleep peacefully. When I woke up, his ipod was still playing All Time Low songs quietly in the background. Sora was still wrapped tightly around my body, his cheek to mine, the sweat between us making the connecting points on our body lightly moist and hot. I had gone so far past caring about that sort of thing, though. Sora's seen me at my worst (let's think back to that night with the whisky), so I can handle a little sweat. The occasional drool.

Unfortunately for Sora, when I'm awake-- I'm stuck awake. I may be able to close my eyes, but my body wont be able to sit still unless I REALLY concentrate. After a mere five minutes of focus and staring at the wall, I finally pull our bodies apart as slowly as I can and roll over to meet sleepy eyes with my boyfriend. His eyes flicker as he becomes more aware of what's going on, and then finally he gives me a small smile before closing his eyes and pulling my body up against his warm chest.

I had no urge to be pressed against his hot body currently, especially not feeling his morning wood pressed against my hip. I peel away from him again, earning a displeased pout until my hands slide down his body, resting on his boxers. I push his hips down so he's laying flat on the bed and toss the covers to the side, sliding down so my lips can reach his thighs.

After a few moans in reaction to my touches and licks, Sora looks down at me with wide eyes, watching me take him into my mouth before letting his head fall back onto the pillow and playing with my hair. "Good morning to you, too." He whispers. To be honest, I like pleasuring him more than I ever care to admit. I always want to make Sora happy, no matter the cost or what the task is. Just seeing him smile is enough to bring warmth to my chest. That's all I need to be happy. Just Sora.


This was a new day, and it felt very unlike yesterday or the day before. Something just about the air, it felt fresh and lively. Ready for me. I was awake, I was alive, and I was ready.

"So, Captain, where are we today?" I lean on the back of Sora's pilot chair as he slips on socks.

"Scottish Highlands." The world on the screen looked lush and green, with a lush ocean side and large rocky cliffs scattering across the edges. Perhaps most impressive was the large castles dotted around the world.

Sora leads me by hand out the door of the gummi ship and as I inspect the area, I'm blown away. The colors are vivid, and the green ground is soft even through my boots. A deep blue dress cascades around my body, tucked tight around my curves and pulled even tighter with strings on my waist. The gown was actually heavy, seemed to be made out of wool with layers of cotton underneath. I take one spin around, smiling as the dress fans out around me, and stop as I see Sora. His pants are a bright blue plaid, and he has a cape to match, underneath a plain white shirt. He reminded me much of Tadase from Shugo Chara.

"Ugh. This looks too much like the school uniforms to me." Sora sneers at his pants and quickly changes his attention to the surrounding area. "This is an amazing area, though. Wow."

"No kidding." I whisper, a bit breathless. Large aspen and willow trees decorate the forest, and in the air you can practically taste the sea salt washing in from the North. A short trek takes us to a clearing with a flowing stream, where the light bounces off the pools and makes the rocks and trees in the surrounding area shine.

"I'm not really sure which direction to head to get to some civilization." Sora looks around for a moment before I swing around and look behind him.

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