Be My Forever - Chp. 2

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Saying goodbye to someone isn't nearly as hard when you know that they're actually still safe and sound. Mikoto, Blair, the king. I can say goodbye to them easier than before because they're all where they belong.

It's just me that's not enjoying the comfort of home. Sure, I'd rather be here making sure Sora's safe than stuck at home wondering... but I still feel like I'm just being uprooted again, sent off to tons of new planets that will send my head spinning.

"Wow, the king wasn't kidding, there are a LOT of new worlds... Where do you want to start?" Sora scans the map with his blue eyes, catching his attention on one with a castle. "What about that one? It's called Arendelle, we should go there!" I look at the center of the map dully.

"Sora, that's like two days worth of travel from here, why don't we start with the one that's literally right next door?" I point to the top left hand corner of the map, where directly beside Destiny Islands lies another beautiful island looking world. Sora sighs and taps the planet. A large full view of the world expands onto the screen. Sora groans.

"Come on, we just got OFF an island, let's go somewhere cool!"

"No, this is closest, let's go to Ku...Kuwa... what the hell... Kaua'i?" I shrug my shoulders and tap the screen again, setting the new and improved gummi ship to autopilot. Sora lets out a disappointed huff and I point to the screen. "It's like a fifteen minute flight, it'd be stupid not to start there. Don't give me that pouty face." I grab Sora's lip between my thumb and index finger, causing Sora to pull away with a laugh.

"I guess this wont be so bad." Sora leans back in his chair. "It's not as scary if I don't have to worry about your sister walking in on us." I roll my eyes and watch the main screen as stars pass behind us.

"Or Goofy or Donald, for that matter." There's an awkward silence between the two of us for a moment, before I finally look at Sora with a small smile, my cheeks a bit hot. "It'll be nice... being alone." Sora stares at the screen for a minute, an unreadable look on his face that makes me a bit nervous.



When I first stepped through the doors of the gummi ship, I was nervous. Would I turn into a sea turtle this time? Would I have two heads?

I just had a white dress on. A simple, lightweight, white dress.

"What the hell?" I whisper, tugging on the end of it. "I mean, I guess it's okay for the temperature." I look over to Sora, who now has a pair of khaki shorts on, and a light blue shirt. We both have a pair of flipflops on, and I'm wondering why all of this was actually necessary. Normally, if there's humans in the world, we're okay with whatever we're wearing when we leave the ship. Why is there a dresscode now?

"Meega, nala kwishta!" Our attention turns to the sand in front of us, where a small blue... dog... is pointing a gun at each of us.

"UH, what the hell is that?" I raise my arms up in defense and point on finger down to the ground. Sora looks at it for a moment before smiling widely.

"Stitch!" Sora kneels to the ground and the blue dog narrows his eyes before sniffing Sora a few times. Suddenly, he drops his guns and tackles Sora into a hug.

"Sora!" The blue dog snuggles Sora's neck, and I drop my hands, more confused than ever.

"You guys.. know each other?" I raise an eyebrow. The blue dog perks up and looks at Sora before looking back to me.


"... What?" I press my lips into a firm line, still thoroughly confused.

"Ohana means family." The dog finishes. I give a small slow nod, still not quite sure.

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