Be my Forever - Chp. 9

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AN: I feel it's important that I address a few things right now. The first being— I believe I said this in my sequel announcement— This really isn't an action book. I made this sequel purely for the people who felt they needed more of the romance, and as the last chapters of the sequel come, that's what you should expect.

I also would like to say that this particular chapter is the ending I needed for a particular movie, and if you don't recognize it right away, then surely you should watch the movie/watch it again, because it's beautiful.

And finally, for those of you who have read all the way through and never once corrected me on my spelling errors that I missed whilst up writing at 4 am, I thank you. For those of you who only seem to want to focus on the mistakes I made as if I didn't put anything through spellcheck (as I always do) I thank you for being an utter arse and compelling me to not want to write. If it was your intention, you have done well.

Expect a personal update. Otherwise, enjoy, and I'm sending you my love.

As always,



"Well, this town looks rather dull." My eyes dart around the small, but quaint, dirt roads and small estates. Whilst it wasn't particularly bad weather, it seemed like the whole town was just faded greys and whites. No buildings really stood out, things seemed almost uniform. "Where did you say we were?"

"Hampshire." I turn, feeling familiar cotton material brush against my leg. God, was I sick of dresses. At least this one had a corset.

"This place seems kind of empty, don't you think?" We both pause our movements and search for any sign of noise. It takes a few minutes, but I faintly hear someone crying. I look to Sora, who nods in acknowledgement, and we start through the town until we come upon the source. A woman, draped in layers of beautifully adorned white cloth, sits on the edge of a fountain in town. Her head is in her hands, but her beautiful brown hair is pulled up to the top of her head. There was no mistaking it at all.

She was a bride.

"Excuse me." Sora speaks up, but I hold a hand up to his chest as the woman looks up with wide eyes. I didn't trust Sora to do a woman's work.

"Is everything alright?" I find myself kneeling down in front of the beautiful figure. She remains silent and in awe for a moment, before wiping her eyes briefly, tucking her veil over her shoulders.

"Well... to be honest, no. No, everything is not alright." I take her hand in mine, and she sniffles lightly. "But I don't expect any pity from a stranger." I give her a small smile and rub her hand gently.

"I offer only compassion, not pity. Sorry." Her lips curve up slightly to this. "I'm Rea, and this is Sora." She looks to my boyfriend before turning her attention back to me, significantly calmed down and no longer crying heavily.

"My name is Victoria Everglot." Her voice is light and airy, much like she is afraid to speak.

"And why are you crying on what is supposed to be the most wonderful day of your life?" She takes a deep breath, still visually bothered by whatever events took place today. "Today is the day I am to be wed, clearly... but," Victoria's lip quivers "The organist fell ill quite suddenly, and we weren't wealthy enough to hire a band or anything of the sort. I don't have anything to walk down the aisle to. I have nothing to dance to at the reception. Everything fell apart so quickly." She brings her hand back up to wipe away some fresh tears, and I give her a small pat on the hand that still rests in mind.

"Well," I start, knowing what I needed to do. "Clearly someone sent me here for a reason. It's your lucky day, Victoria. I play the piano, quite well, actually." She looks at me, almost in disbelief.

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