Welcome to Night Raven College

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It had been the tail end of summer, and the girls were looking forward to applying for college. But right now they were cleaning out an attic that Becky needed help with. Although in the process, they found a lot of interesting stuff there. 

Along the way, Justine found a familiar-looking mirror, which looked like it came from Snow White.

"Hey, check this out. It looks like the mirror from Snow White." She stated.

"What's with the blackness? I can barely even see myself in it." Becky added.

"I don't think it's dirt or anything like that." Laura said.

Then a voice spoke...

'Ah...My dear beloved...'

They looked around on the alert.

'A lovely and noble flower of evil.'

Then they turned heir gaze to the mirror, which now had greenish blazes in it.

'Truly you are the most beautiful of all'

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Who is the...' As the voice faded.

"Is this mirror cursed Laura?" Stella asked.

"It has dark power in it, yes. But i cant tell if it's evil or not." Laura spoke,

'Those who are guided by the Dark Mirror,

As long as your heart desires,

Take the hand that appears in the mirror.'

At that a hand did emerge from the mirror.

'Flames that turn even stars into ashes,

Ice that imprison even time,

Great tree that swallow even the sky,

Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,

Come now, show your power.

Mine, theirs, and yours,

There's only little time left for us.

Do not let go of that hand, at all costs.'

But the girls backed away as they saw the hand. Then, a multitude of black, shadowy hands burst out and grabbed the girls. They struggled to get out of the grasp of the hands, but to no avail as one by one, they were dragged inside.

The rest was a blur.


When Stella came to, all she could see was darkness, and from the looks of it, she was in a coffin.

"What the? How did I get in a coffin? Where are the others?"

"Stella? Stella, you there?" Kate.

"Yes! I think we were captured."

"Stella, Kate? That you guys? Hey, if anyone else is here, speak up! Laura?" Justine

"Yeah!" Laura


"Speaking!" Minerva


"Still intact."


"At least we are the same place." Anisha sighed in relief.

Kate pushed with all her might and was able to open up the coffin and looked around. She appeared to be in a place with coffins that seemed to be floating around.

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