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Gosh, I had been waiting for this chapter to update.(≧▽≦)

I can't believe we came near the end of the book. I already miss this book. Thank you for your support guys. I couldn't have made it to end if you guys were not there. (╥﹏╥)

I purple you 💜


There was a doorbell and Namjoon groaned. He had not expected anyone to come at the odd hours. He looked at the clock which showed 1 am. The bell rang again, "I am coming, damn it."

He opened the door and was shocked, "Yoongi hyung? Why are you here at this time?"

Yoongi entered the room, "Jungkook and I had a fight and he told me to leave the house."

Namjoon was shocked, "He told you to leave your house?"

Yoongi hummed, "It's ours now, so..." He just shrugged and sat on the couch.

Namjoon sighed, "Why were you fighting?"

Yoongi sighed but kept silent. Namjon rolled his eyes, "It's because of me and Jin hyu- young master, isn't it?"

Yoongi just nodded.

Namjoon sat beside him, "Look hyung, I know, we are not on good terms, but that doesn't mean you two have to fight too."

Yoongi shook his head, "He was talking trash about you. I had to take a stand for you."

Namjon mumbled, "And I probably deserve it."

Yoongi put his hand on Namjoon's. "Namjoon-ah, you don't deserve any of these. So don't even think like that. And Don't worry about us. I'll go with lamb skewers and he'll let me in and listen to me. For now, I brought chicken."

Namjoon smiled, "And I have beer bottles in the fridge."

Yoongi laughed, "Ah, I knew I chose the right house."

They sat on the round table and started eating chicken and drinking beer. Namjoon was glad that Yoongi came by.



Everywhere it was dark.

Ah, his eyes were closed. He tried to open them but they felt heavy to open. He tried to move but his hands were... tied? What the fuck? Where was he? He opened his eyes. He was tied to a chair. He looked in all the directions, but no one was there.

The last thing he remembered was that he was with Ken on the terrace and was about to go to Namjoon to listen to what he had to say. And then everything went black. Namjoon. Shit, he must have been worried. How long was he even here?

"You are finally awake, Kim Seokjin-shi."

Seokjin looked up but the figure was blurry. But soon it was clear. Seokjin scoffed, "Lee Lim?"

The man laughed, "So you recognise me?"

Seokjin smirked, "Of course. You are the reason I have to stay away from my gang. My family."

Lee Lim laughed, "Your welcome."

Seokjin growled, "What do you want?"

Lim smiled, "Now you are talking. I want the diamond and the money you stole from me ten years ago."

Seokjin chuckled, "Those belonged to dad from the start. I just took what was mine back."

Lim snarled, "I am asking you last time, where is the diamond?"

Seokjin smirked, "I don't know. I gave it to appa and he hid it somewhere. And even if I knew its location, I would never tell you."


Seokjin didn't even flinch or grunt. He just smirked.

Lim hummed, "I think it was a mistake to kill the doctor after all."

Seokjin growled again, "Don't even say his name with your filthy mouth, you rat."

Lim chuckled, "Oh, did I step on your weak nerve? Should I kill second Dr Kim too?"

Seokjin glared at him, "Try it, Lee Lim. Just fucking try."

Lim huffed, "I'll break you and get the information from you."

Seokjin smirked, "Sure, go ahead."

There was literal rain of punches and kicks and slaps on Seokjin. Seokjin didn't whimper or grunt. He just sat there receiving every punch, slap or kick. When the group stopped, Seokjin's face was filled with bruises and cuts. But he was still smirking.

Lee Lim came closer to him and held his face in between his finger and thumb. "Where is the diamond?"

Seokjin spat the blood on Lee Lim's face, "I don't know."

Lee Lim screamed and punched Seokjin hard on his face. Seokjin instead of wincing started laughing. Lee Lim smiled, "Think about it. I will give you time to think about your answer."

As Lee Lim started walking, Seokjin spoke, "Lee Lim, next time you come to torture me, at least bring weapons."

Lee Lim signaled a man who threw cold water on Seokjin. Seokjin shivered due to the coldness of the water. But kept his calm. He was exhausted due to the hitting and kicking. He was sure his ribs and some bones were broken. He sighed and closed his eyes in an attempt to sleep

Next day, Lee Lim came again and this time with a weapon as Seokjin had said. Seokjin chuckled, "You really still follow my orders, huh?"

Lee Lim rolled his eyes, "Whatever you think, young master."

Seokjin smirked, "So same question again? I'll answer you without you asking it. I don't know where your precious diamond is. Oh, and also, fuck yourself."

Lee Lim moved his head and his men started their punches and kicks. Seokjin didn't even wince once. He remained silent. He knew there were new braces and cuts and that he had zero recoveries from the previous ones. When he didn't speak anything, a man came from behind and made a deep cut on his hand.

"Argh! Fuck."

Lee Lim leaned forward, putting a hand in his pocket, "So tell me Seokjin, Where is the money and the diamond, so that I can kill you."

Seokjin kept quiet. There was another cut, this time on his shoulder and then on his thigh. He still kept quiet. Lee Lim took the knife from the man and pierced it in Seokjin's shoulder. There was an ear tearing scream from Seokjin. Seokjin had tears in his eyes. He looked at Lee Lim and ground his teeth, "You will regret this."

Lee Lim laughed, "And who will save you? Your boyfriend? Oh, I meant Ex boyfriend."

Seokjin smirked, "I never said we broke up."

"And not his boyfriend, he will save him himself."

Lee Lim's face snapped at the voice so hard that his neck would have been broken, if there was any more force. There were men coming into the room. Everyone was wearing a suit and had a gun in their hand. They stood in the room circling Lee Lim and his men.

And then a man came in. A shiver went down Lee Lim's spine. The man was wearing a white coat, a black shirt, and blue jeans. He was followed by Namjoon in the same suit as the other man. Completely black, with a white shirt and black tie. He was wearing an earpiece and had his hand behind his back.

The man sat on the chair provided by one of his men, cross legged, and smirked, "How are you doing Lee Lim-shi?"

Lee Lim shivered, "Ma-master?"

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