Chapter 17

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Perries POV:
I woke up to a beeping sound. You've heard that before. I squinted because these hospital lights are so fucking bright. I felt a cold bag on the right side of my head which I can only presume at this point that it was an ice pack. I felt someone running there hand through my hair I looked up and saw April. She smiled at me which managed to give me a lot of comfort. "Hi" she said and smiled down at me "wheres jade" I said and sat up. I then calmed down when I saw her asleep in between my legs. "She's been here all day she wouldn't leave" I nodded and smiled she is a sweetheart "she's really hung over tho" I nodded "not surprised the amount she drank" I rubbed my head a little. "Why am I here exactly I remember getting jades and then talking to someone that's it" April nodded "I'm not surprised after the amount of alcohol in your system anyway this boy started to beat you up we still don't know why" I nodded. I looked over in the corner or the room and saw Sean asleep with Jake and Ellie then next to him Zack was playing a game on his phone. "I'm gonna get some sleep it's 1 will you be ok" I nodded and looked down at jade. "I'll be fine thank you" she nodded and sat next to Sean. I tapped jades shoulder and she stirred and sat up. "Your awake" she said and flung herself towards me "ahh yeah watch it" she smiled and kissed me. "You look fucked" she said and rubbed my head with her thumb "well it was worth it I kept you safe" jade nodded and smiled "you were so drunk babe" I smiled a little "I'm not even joking after he'd knocked you out you woke up the next morning drunk then passed out again" I smiled innocently "sorry babe" she kissed my head "it's ok babe get some sleep" she sat up and wrapped her arm around the back of my neck. "Jake was really worried about you" jade said as I looked over at the 3 year old "was he" she nodded "and Ellie drew you loads of pictures" I nodded "even Zack said he missed you" I looked over and he looked up from his phone. "Yeah only to make mum happy" jade scoffed "yeah right you were like is she ok" he rolled his eyes looking at his phone. Jake woke up and looked over at me and got off the chair running over to the side of the bed. I leaned over and picked him up. "Did you miss me" he nodded and hugged me "you got a boo boo" he said pointing to my lip. I nodded "like me" he pointed to his knee and high had a plaster over it. "Yep you should go to sleep ok" he looked at jade snd then came closer to me "I aloud to sleep here" he whispered. I nodded and lifted up the blanket and he closed his eyes as jade kissed my head as I slowly drifted off.

The next morning I was still waiting to be discharged they wouldn't let me go because April isn't my proper parent yet all the paperwork I'd still going through the court and legally they won't let anyone go without a family member especially when your under 18 which Is unlucky to say I'm nearly 17. The doctor came in "so can we go yet" Sean said impatiently which earned him a glare from April. They do love eachother I hope me and jade are like then when we're older. "Yes Perrie your guardians here to take you home" I looked at the doctor confused "no you must have got something wrong I don't have a guardian" the doctor flipped a page up on there clipboard "no definitely says you have a guardian on here" I was beyond confused and I didn't think this was one of my ditzy moments. "No you don't understand my mum died and I don't have grandparents so there's been a mistake" Sean took the clipboard out the doctors hands "who's Alexander Edwards" I shook my head "that can't be right he moved to London when I was 6 he's a huge druggie he left and divorced my mum he shouldn't be on there" I sat down on the bed still confused. I walked out the door of the hospital ward I was on and there he was my disappointment of a dad. "Perrie" he said and stood up from being slumped against the wall. He started to come towards me and I walked backwards "you left" I said and began punching him in his chest before I slumped forwards into him crying. "I'm sorry" I sniffed "your not you should've been here mum needed you I needed you everyone needed you and you just left" I felt him nod "I'm sorry I know I let you down but I'm ready to step up now ok and be a dad" I sniffed "now you wanna be a dad now 11 years later now I'm settled down with a new family" I pulled back from his hug "ive got a little house just a 20 minute drive away your 17 now you can start learning to drive and I'll get you a car you can come down and see me" I shook my head "are you working" he nodded "doing what" I questioned "with a business delivering stuff" I nodded. "Ok well you'll have to speak to dean and April" he nodded and walked towards them as I sat down. I didn't know what to think everything's so muddled up. I'm starting to think the whole worlds against me I've actually started to settle down and I'm happy and then something comes and ruins it. I was interrupted with my thoughts by jade grabbing my arm and pulling me over to the exit "I need to tell you something" she said as tears brimmed her eyes. Please be something positive. But by the looks of it it wasn't.

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