Hurts so good

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You planned to stay home but you know about all the pending work you have, waiting for your attention.

You are back to work but there is a sudden rush in the place as if something's not right. You can't tell what exactly but you can feel the tension in the environment.

You are at your seat when Nara notices you. "How is your wound now?" She looks at your bandage.

"Better" but your interest is something else "What is it? I feel like there's some problem" your curiosity speaks.

"I heard some paparazzi followed Jungkook last night" you are dead scared.

"And?" you are about to cry out of fear, what if you become a reason in any way.

"I don't know the rest but we have a new scandal now" you can see the discomfort in her eyes.

Scandal, how can you forget, artists and scandals are the terms often named together.

"About?" you ask further.

"Plagiarized concept" she is disgusted.

"Hah" you snap "just anything" you mock in a smirk.

You find it funny how some random things can turn out into a news to bring people down 'only negative sells in media' you think.

The chaos is huge which results to a press conference, you see reporters trying their best to make it more complicated with their ruthless questions and then you see your idols, sincerely answering all of their obligations.

Social media too being the king does its part. The online community of anti fans play their own significant role in making the mess by conveying the wrong message to netizen.

But in the end they are BTS who made it, out of all the odds, insecurities and sufferings with their consistency and perseverance and this too will pass.

This is your first time seeing what it is like to be an artist, the immense pressure they live in, the pressure to be the best or bring out the best, the pressure to have no flaws, the pressure to not disappoint their fans, the pressure of not being pointed by. Their life isn't a merry go round like it seems to be.

You understand the words Jungkook meant the other day now. This all is giving you mental exertion and you can never imagine how disturbing it would be for the ones living with it.

You are concerned about them, about Jungkook. You have an idea now, the kind of person Jungkook is. You know he will suffer, blame himself for all that turned wrong. He won't tell but he will hurt himself.

You want to see him and be his mirror taking in all the pains with no reflection to it. You want to walk with him to wherever he goes cause you are him and he is you.

You wait for a chance of magic because waiting is wanting, you know.

You are arranging the wardrobe totally lost in your own thoughts when Mrs young speaks.

"We need to get them the music- showcase dresses" she is in a hurry.

"Showcase?" Nara repeats.

"Yes, everyone is running late because the press conference took long" Mrs young pulls the dress out of the hanger "we need to hurry".

It seems like your wait is over as you would get to see him now. You too pull the dress out according to the schedule and reach to the room.

You see them sitting in a circle, about to eat.

"Take your time and eat slowly" the manager tells.

"Don't you think it's quite early to eat dinner?" Nara comments.

"It's their lunch" one of the make up artist taps Nara's shoulder.

"Lunch" Nara is shocked "Don't you think it's very late to have lunch?"

"They have been busy with the reporters all this time, so...." she says as she moves.

"Who are we?" You hear Namjoon say.

Though they are sitting to eat but none amongst them are, you see them moving around their chopsticks aimlessly, they are sad and sinking deep in the words Namjoon said.

"The 'we' that we want ourselves to be,
The 'we' that people want us to be,
The 'we' that they love,
The 'we' that they hate,
The 'we' that us create,
The 'we' that's smiling,
Or the we that's sometimes in tears" Namjoon is disappointed.

"We tells others to voice their thoughts but we can't voice ours out, ironic" Yoongi adds.

They are your main concern as you linger around to arrange stuff for them. You see Jungkook who doesn't look at you, all lost and hidden not ready to be found out.

You then feel a sudden touch, holding your hand as you walk past them. You turn to look when you realize Jungkook clutching your hand and looking at you like he never missed your presence.

"Flying high is terrifying, no one told me it's a lonely place" feels like his words are meant for you but you can't give him hope, not even a false one " how's the cut?" he asks you.

'It hurts but it hurts so good when I am close to you' you reply with your stare.

You see eager eyes all around as your hand rests on his. You see his group too, shocked of his random gesture.

"Yes, I hope it doesn't hurt anymore" Hoseok turns formal.

"It doesn't" you panic moving your hand away from him and moving opposite of them, confused.

You then see them putting on a fake smile for the show, along with the make up as if there's nothing to worry about, no judgement, no vulnerability, as luxuries and pleasures are all they are surrounded with.

Smile doesn't necessarily mean you're happy, sometimes it means that you're strong and trying...!!!!


This part was my favourite, don't know why but it was, maybe because I was able to describe their struggle here.

Please do tell me about this chapter and about the story...*begs*

I still have plenty of assignments to write but I found some time yesterday so I wrote this chapter and you know what, I wrote it quite early.

Love xoxo♥️

Elysian- Haven or heavenly? |BTS ✔️Where stories live. Discover now