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You are being taken to the hospital, he is holding your hands tightly, he wants to go with you and stay by your side but you see the incapability in his hurt gaze.

The touch of his hands fades as you move but his eyes still concerned, still looking out for you.

"Thankfully, the cut wasn't that deep" the doctor puts a bandage after you reach the hospital.

You have a couple of BTS staff with you at the hospital to help you out.

You ask them to drop you to grocery store nearby your place "Thank you for saving him" one says.

"I had to" you reply before getting out of the car.

"I was scared... Jungkook, he has been with us for over a decade now, practiced with all of his might, gone through too much at such a young age.... I hate seeing him sad and hurt" the staff explains.

"He must have because success is like a roller coster, though it is high but you need to fight your fears to reach up there" you reply before heading forward.

You buy a cup of instant noodles to eat. You sit facing the glass window of the store looking at the road to the other side of the window.

You are craving for his presence. You want to live him until the mornings starts until the sun sets. You chose a difficult love to love.

There are tears shining on your face when you hear your phone ringing. Your phone it never rings, there is no one  who would call you but it is ringing.

"Hello" you breathe.

"Is it hurting?" you know the owner of this voice.

"Jungkook" you are numb.

"Come find me" he speaks.

"Your aren't serious, right?"you mumble unable to believe.

"I am" the voice tells.

'He loves hiding' you think as you walk around the streets like a wanderess.

You then see a figure all covered in black standing under a lamppost of a community park.

"Found you" you run to him.

The hood covers most of his face but it's him you know.

"You were crying" he confirms after he leans forward to look at you.

"Not anymore" you are learning, whether his expressions are sad, concerned or hurt you are learning it all.

"Why did you come?" You both are each other's night view, each other's moon.

You never knew how beautiful that park was until he sits beside you. You are surrounded by his fragrance and showered by his presence. The air too is a magician spraying love. You kiss him with your eyes not ready to let go.

"I had to see, you aren't hurting anymore" the way he looks makes you feel important, you want to stop time "I need to go" he manages after his phone vibrates.

'Like the winds that gently strokes, like the dust that gently drifts along, you are there for some reason but I can't reach you' you think as he awaits for you to say goodbye 'From afar, I steal glances, will I loose you if we hold us?' your eyes talk.

"Take rest from work for some days" he tells you "and.... don't hurt anymore" he gives a slight touch to your face like he is hesitating.

You are standing still as he moves away from you, counting his steps when the unexpected occurs.

Jungkook runs back to you and rests his lips on yours like comforting you or like apologizing.

His heart beats faster and faster, his touch defines you, his kiss paints you like a decalcomania and there is a fire in the kiln of your hearts, beating together.

"We kissed again, even if you and I are a bad try but see, we found each other tonight" you confront him that moment.

"You know me?" his voice trembles.

"I recognised you as none of this is a coincidence, maybe in our past life, maybe in our future we are together, just maybe" you speak your heart.

"I couldn't hide this storm inside me anymore, so here I am to fully reveal my true self under this mask" he is all yours, unlocked "I am here to save you, I am here to ruin you" his eyes are stuck at you, your face.

"I see you in this thin moonlight, I hear you in this faint echo" you have your naked soul capturing his.

"But forever is not for us" uncertainty beats "you will be safe only if I revolve around you nameless, so let me receive all of you faceless, let me orbit you in circles over and over again, unknown, unnoticed. I don't promise rules to love" there is an unbearable pain shattering you "Let me hide behind the shadows as my shadow grows, let me be mysterious as this is the only way to keep you closer".

The hand clock that was frozen is now advancing again step by step, calling him back to play his part in a movie like life.

"Just let me hold you one more time before I disappear" he hugs you tight "the way to love me isn't easy but hold onto me like the way you are now" he is sad, so sad "I don't know what will happen to us later but I like that nothing is decided" he speaks a ray of hope.

You don't want him to say anything, you don't want a word. You just want him to smile, so that it doesn't hurt much.

And then reality waits withering him away from you somewhere in the dark again or somewhere you can't reach.


Decalcomania is the art of transferring designs.

I won't be able to update for some days as I have some assignments to write.

Stay safe, see you soon ♥️

Love xoxo♥️

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