Chapter 16 -The Ball

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When they arrived at the ball

Hawk's POV
When we stepped out of the carriage people looked like they were waiting for us, Well the girls anyway "introducing the band Midnight girls.. um and their dates" the announcer said. The teachers welcomed us backstage and the girls got ready to go on. "Good morning everyone welcome to the ball this ball is in honour of Rose and Hawk but we will touch up on that later, now a song from the school band". The girls went on stage and preformed

When they finished the worst thing happened."As this ball is in honour of Rose and Hawk we would like to welcome then on to the stage" Granny Cinderella said, me and Rose reluctantly walked on to the stage expecting the worst. "I'm happy to announce that Rose and Hawk are engaged and their wedding is in two weeks and all of you are invited, they will also be on the stage for the rest of the ball so you can congratulate them" Granny SnowWhite continued. Me and Rose both glared at our grannies, then everyone was whispering about us. We sat on 2 big thrones in the middle of the stage then people lined up to congratulate us. "Congratulations you guys are so cute together, and Rose thanks for helping me realise Hawk isn't my true love. Now I've stopped chasing him I have a boyfriend who loves me and it's all thanks to you" one of my fan girls said to Rose "it's my pleasure to help" Rose said smiling. Everything went on normal but I couldn't get over what my fan girls were saying.

Vicky's POV
"Ambrosia, Adonis go congratulate them" I said pushing them to the stage. "But we don't want to" Adonis argued "well if they suspect anything our plan will be ruined. "Ok fine but don't expect me to be nice to Rose" Ambrosia hissed.

Rose's POV
All of Hawk's fan girls were surprisingly nice, but my fanboys were the opposite most of them said things like "I'll be waiting for you when you guys get a divorce" or "you should dump him you could doso much better". I just ignored them as did Hawk, but then Ambrosia and Adonis were walking towards us I knew something was wrong Adonis liked me and Ambrosia was head over heels about Hawk they wouldn't just congratulate us. "Hawk dear you can do so much better then her" Ambrosia said glaring at me "I mean the only thing in front of us is you, and you said better" I said while rolling my eyes. She obviously didn't get the message she kept flirting with Hawk even though she knew our wedding was in less then 2 weeks. I was annoyed but I hid it I didn't want Hawk to think I was jealous. She was walking away she threw a small knife at me "glass magic" I casted and knife bounced back and it was heading towards her neck "time magic" I stopped the knife when it was right in front of her neck. She growled "next time try harder" I said smirking, then she walked away. Then our friends came to us "congrats" Joy said smiling "I thought you only congratulate good things" I said sarcastically and everyone laughed . Music started playing and everyone was dancing but me and Hawk, then I spotted granny SnowWhite and went up to her "good evening" I said curtsying "good to see you Rose" she replied smiling "I just wanted to thank you for the dress it's so beautiful " I said "no worries dear and it looks amazing on you" she said but was interrupted by Hawk."Granny can you expel Ambrosia, oh hey Rose" "What did she do this time"granny asked annoyed  "try to kill us with an enchanted knife" Hawk said. "I mean what's new she does things like this all the time" I replied casually "what" screamed Hawk and SnowWhite in unison. "Yeah she always tries to kill me, that is why I have guards" I replied but they just looked at me shocked "why didn't you tell me I would've expelled her a long time  ago" SnowWhite said sternly, then Fala walked up to us but didn't say anything. "I didn't want to cause trouble" I said smiling innocently "how could my favourite grandchild possibly cause trouble" SnowWhite said, I smiled in your face Hawk I wanted to scream but I contained myself. When SnowWhite left Fala and Hawk were glaring at me "What it's not my fault I'm the favourite" I said innocently.

Fala's POV
"You do know you have to dance together right" I said smiling "no" Rose and Hawk screamed "well the ball is in your honour so you have to dance at least once" I said smirking "fine" Rose said defeated. Hawk put his hand out and Rose took it and they started dancing. I have to find Cinderella and granny their plan was not working, "granny H.M Cinderella, your plan isn't working Hawk and Rose still don't like each other" I said worried, "ok well your Rose's best friend did she say anything about Hawk" Granny asked
"I hate Hawk so much" Rose screamed banging her hands on her pillow
"Are you sure you hate him" I asked nervously
"HATE" she screamed louder then before
End of flashback
"She doesn't hate him" I said laughing nervously "are you lying" Granny asked me "ok fine, Rose hates Hawk but she pretends to be happy in front of her friends and family" I said "ok what about Hawk" Cinderella asked " he likes her but they don't talk and she has been acting different " I replied. I kinda felt bad for spying on my best friend and little bro but it was for their own good. "What do you mean Rose hasn't changed" Cinderella said confused "not to you, she doesn't want people to think she is upset so she acts clumsy and excited when she is with family, but when she is with her friends she acts excited but no longer clumsy. But She doesn't think of Hawk as a friend nor family so she acts like a perfect princess." I explained.

Meanwhile when Hawk and Rose were dancing

Hawk's POV
We were dancing in awkward silence so I decided to brake it "so should we still invite Ambrosia our wedding since she was expelled" I asked "yes" Rose replied almost immediately "I thought you two hated each other" I asked confused. "Yeah exactly why I'm inviting her to her exes wedding with her enemy she is going to be so jealous" Rose said grinning evilly. "So your showing me off" I said smirking, "no think of it as getting revenge on someone who tried to kill me" Rose said. I stared at her in disbelief "what she would've killed you two" she replied smiling innocently.

Fala's POV
"We need a way to get them together before the wedding" Granny said but I was barely listening. "Why don't we make them go on holiday together" Cinderella said "that's a great idea" I exclaimed "and I know just how to pull it of" a voice said from behind it was Astoria. "Just tell us if you need any help with you plan" LingLing said. Isaac told us about Rose's childhood best friend who lived in Paris we booked for them to go on holiday there and visit her.

So for her best friend I'm too lazy to create a character so I will use one from ever after high, I know ever after high is the children of fairytales and regal academy is the grandchildren but I'm gonna use the character anyway
Sorry I updated late I hope you enjoyed the chapter comment any improvements

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