Chapter 7 - One Long Plane Ride

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Thursday after school 4:00

Rose's POV
I was  waiting at the portal when a herd of princes started chasing me, but my guards stoped them. I walked around with massive sunglasses that cover most of my face, and a high ponytail like a celebrity who was hiding from the press. Because I was so early I sat down on a bench playing with my wand and I had 4 guards surrounding me. "Hey Rose"  Fala said  "oh hi" I replied smiling "what's with the sunglasses" she asked then I pointed at the fanboys being held back by her guards. Then LingLing and Travis came. "Hey guys" I said "hi" LingLing replied. A few minutes later  everyone was here and we were ready to go. "What time are we leaving" Astoria asked "now" I responded, then we all went through the portal. "Pls load all the luggage" I told the driver as we entered the limo.

Astoria's POV
"So where exactly are we going" I asked "to the airport duh" Travis answered. "What's an airport" Joy asked "I've never heard of one" Shawn added. "Oh yeah I forgot they don't have them in fairytale land" Travis said.  "So how are we getting to Japan" Esquire asked "Are you okay Rose you seem a bit Quiet" Fala said looking at Rose who was staring out of the window. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied with a weak smile. "And Esquire we are travelling in my private jet we will drop you Travis and Shawn in Japan, the the rest of us will carry on to Italy" Rose answered Esquire's question. "Anyway guys we are here" I said happily.

Time skip they are all on the plane and the plane is in the air

No ones POV
They were all sitting in what looked like a lounge, Travis's arm was around LinLing. Shawn and Astoria were sitting next to each other both reading, and Joy and Esquire were chatting. Fala was talking to mirror Fala (I'm assuming all Snow Whites have mirror versions of themselves) and Rose was talking to the flight attendant. The flight attendant left and then Rose turned towards her friends, "listen up everyone" She said getting their attention, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Rose. "Ok, boys I've arranged for my childhood friend Isaac to be your guide, he will pick you up when we land and take you to the mansion and he will stay there with you. Everything is arranged and if you guys need anything or have any problems Travis can call me. Any questions" Rose asked with a smile plastered on her face. "Why are you telling us this now aren't we going to be on thin plane for 4 hours" asked Travis. "Actually you will be on the plane for 2 hours us girls will drop you off and then it takes us another 2 hours to get to Italy. And I'm telling you this now because I'm very tired and I'm going to go to bed, if you need anything just ring the bell and the flight attendant will help you, if you are hungry ask a flight attendant they can bring you anything. You will get a tour of the plane and if there is anything urgent wake me up, and can one of you wake me up when we land in Japan. Any more questions" Rose answered/asked."do they have bug burgers" Joy asked and Esquire looked like he had the same question "yes they have everything literally" Rose responded through yawns "what can we do if we are bored" Astoria asked "while there is an art room filled with paint and canvases" Travis smiled while Rose said that. "There is a swimming pool, a library , rooms to sleep in and a gaming room" before Rose could finish she was cut of by Astoria "where is the library" She asked sounding very excited, then Rose pointed towards a close door and Astoria had already ran inside. "Anyway I'm going to sleep now" Rose said as she waved bye "good night Rose" all of them said in unison. Then Rose went to a room with a big bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Fala's POV
"Guys is it just me or is Rose not acting like her self" I asked confused "while she isn't clumsy anymore" Joy said "and she isn't excited for anything anymore" LingLing added. "So when did she start acting like this" I asked "Well I think it was when Hawk started dating Ambrosia" Astoria said from behind causing us to jump "Oh I thought you were in the library" LingLing asked "well  I got bored so I came to join you anyway where are the boys" Astoria replied/asked  "they went to the gaming room" Joy replied. "So Fala why is You mirror glowing "Astoria asked me. I picked up the mirror then mirror Hawk appeared "Hawk wants to talk to you " he said before disappearing then Hawk appeared. All the girls glared at him  "Fala can I talk to Rose please" Hawk pleaded and you could see the guilt in his eyes "well I doubt she wants to talk to you plus she is sleeping" Fala replied while shrugging her shoulders. But Hawk wouldn't stop begging until I gave in. "Excuse me can you show me to Roses room" I asked a flight attendant passing by. After I got to Rose's room I knocked on the door "may I come in" I asked in a sweet voice "ok" she said while yawning and stretching her arms."You may not like this but someone wants to talk to you" I said looking down then I handed her the mirror "I'll give you two some privacy I said while walking out of the room and back to where the others where.

Rose's POV
Fala left me with the mirror then I picked it up and saw Hawk, and I wasn't pleased to see him that's for sure "Hey Rose, you look different" Hawk said trying to act innocent "what do you want" I replied coldly "well I wanted to ask you if we were still friends" Hawk asked not smiling nor frowning. "Well what do you think" I hissed at him "I'm very sorry let me explain" He tried really hard to get me to listen "why should I, you chose Ambrosia over our friendship, and I know you didn't choose her because of her personality you chose her because of her looks" I screamed at him trying to hold back tears "are you jealous" he replied smirking "you idiot why would I be jealous of someone who doesn't have up to half of the looks I have, and if she isn't ugly enough her personality is toxic. And I would never be jealous of you, I mean who would be jealous of someone who trades their friendship for some crazy fan girl and just because your cute doesn't mean your a nice person" I screamed "you think I'm cute" Hawk asked while smirking "no, don't you get it I hate you H A T E hate you" I screamed even louder than before, then a light came out of my hands and I blasted the mirror. Then I headed to the girls and handed Fala her mirror "sorry about that"I said while fake laughing. After they saw the mirror they immediately asked what happened. "Do we even want to know" Astoria said playfully. "Well Hawk was being a jerk" I got cut off by LigLing "sounds like him" LingLing said causing the rest of the girls to burst out laughing. "I got mad at Hawk and then a light came from my hands and the mirror was broken" I finished after everyone settled down. "So you can use manic without a wand" Astoria asked "well I think so" I said smiling "well we can always test your magic let's go to the training room" LingLing suggested. I lead the way and we made our way to the training room it kinda looked like a gym. We trained for an hour before discovering I could use all of the Cinderella magic even ones I had never heard of. "Wow Rose you can use all types of Cinderella magic without a wand that's so cool" Joy exclaimed "well we even discovered new types of magic" Fala added "I'm so impressed Rose you learned how to control your new abilities in less then an hour" Astoria squealed. "Why aren't you excited Rose" LingLing asked. "Well granny told me that I was the most powerful Cinderella and there were villains who wanted to steal my power" I said my voices as trembling and you could tell I was scared. "Don't worry Rose we will protect you" Fala said and the rest nodded in agreement. Then we were interrupted by an announcement "this is your pilot speaking in preparation for landing please return to your seat and fasten your seatbelts." We all return to the the lounge and sat down the the boys joined us "it is currently 6:30 in Tokyo and the temperature is 21 degrees centigrade, please remember to take all your belongings with you and I hope you have had a pleasant flight" . "Yay we are here, guys remember no magic on earth and here is some money if you need to buy anything" I said while handing then a envelope full of cash. "You can use magic in front of Isaac he is also from fairytale land but no one else got it" I said they all nodded. Ok I'll take you to meet Isaac" I said with a huge smile. Then we left the plane and when I saw Isaac I ran to hug him and he hugged back, "long time no see Cinderella" he said "you too brave" I replied then we burst out laughing. "It good to see you again" I said "you to" he responded. " while I would like you to meet my friends, this is Travis beast,Shawn beast and Esquire frog they will be the ones staying in the mansion with you, and theses are my other friends meet Astoria Repunzel, LingLing Ironfan, Joy le Frong And last but not least Fala Snow White" I said while smiling "Hey guys, nice to meet you" Isaac said "you too" they all replied "Guys this is Isaac brave" I said they all smiled, we chatted for a while before returning to the plane. "Well I hope you Can come visit someday, but we really got to get going" I said, all the girls hugged there boyfriends and me and Fala just smiled at each other. "Bye Guys" all the girls said in unison as the boys went of, then we returned to the plane.

Isaac Brave
Age: 17
Family: Merida Brave (grandma)
Love interest: Fala Snow White
Enemies:Vicky Broomstick
Interest:archery, art and hanging with friends
Appearance: red/orange hair, freckles,tall,handsome

Sorry for the late update I ran out of ideas on how to link the holiday to the rest of the book, if I didn't make it clear Astoria and Shawn are dating, and so are Joy and Esquire.
Comment down any improvements    1878 words

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