Chapter 11 - Not in a Million Years

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Rose's POV
"Hawk has been poisoned and only a true loves kiss can wake him up" Fala said in between sobs. "So why didn't you call Ambrosia" I asked with no emotion, "we did she is coming tomorrow" Fala said "then why are you so upset" I asked confused. "Well Hawk doesn't like Ambrosia" She replied, "ok we will find a solution but now we need to go to sleep" I said.

The next morning it's weekend

Rose's POV
Since I live on earth and I was currently staying in a dorm I decided to go visit my parents, but when I woke up I saw that Fala was gone. I knew she had gone to check on her brother so I went to the potions lab, when I got there I saw all our friends and all of Hawk's family members crying. "Hey guys why is everyone crying didn't Ambrosia wake Hawk up" I asked then Astoria pointed to Ambrosia who was crying in the middle of the room "he doesn't love me" she screamed in between sobs before running out. I left the room without saying anything. I ate breakfast then visited my parents on earth, I returned to regal academy at 3:00 and everyone was still in the potions lab. "So I have an idea" I whispered to Joy and LingLing. "Glass magic make a glass megaphone" "attention all princesses that like Hawk he is in a deep sleep that only a true loves kiss can wake, if you think you are Hawk's true love line up at the potions lab" I said into the megaphone. If you are wondering I did that to annoy Hawk just wait till he finds out.

Travis's POV
Me, Shawn, Esquire, LingLing, Astoria and Joy left the potions lab to go find Rose, but Isaac stayed with Fala . She is the only one that can wake Hawk up, but I think she'd rather him die. We went to Fala and Rose's dorm and entered. "Fala" Rose said as the door opened "it us " Joy said "how did you guys get a key" Rose Asked confused. "We got it from Fala" LingLing replied. "Ok so we have a favour to ask you a big one" Astoria asked Rose Well more like pleaded. "Sure anything for my friends" Rose replied smiling, "so can you wake up Hawk" She said knowing Rose's answer. "First I said friend and Hawk is not my friend, second he has a girlfriend so no way. Third I hate him and to wake him up both sides have to love each other, and I dint love Hawk " Rose screamed at us. "Rose Hawk told us he loved you and if you don't wake him up no one will" I begged her.

Rose's POV
How could my friends be so inconsiderate to my feelings. "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, and if that's all you've come for you can leave" I screamed. "Rose we will leave just think about who your affecting it's not just about Hawk, Fala will loose her only brother. His parents will lose their beloved son, and Snow White will lose her only grandson" LingLing said before they all left the room.

Fala's POV
Dr le frog just told us that if he doesn't wake up by midnight tomorrow he is gone, "Hello lzzy, Nick" It was Rose's mum."long time no see" replied dad, and mum hugged Clara. "I'm so sorry I tried to talk to my daughter but she wouldn't listen" Clara apologised to my mum and dad, "it's not your daughters fault it's Hawk's" I said butting in their conversation. "What do you mean" mum, dad an Clara said in unison. "So Rose didn't tell you" I asked Rose's mum, then she shook her head "Well Hawk and Rose were best friends and would do anything for each other, when Ambrosia came she was really rude to Rose. She broke her a ankle she made fun of her and so on, then Hawk started dating her. Rose was happy for him, but Ambrosia just got meaner and meaner, Rose had enough and then she got rid of the spell so she went back to her original self. Ambrosia threatened Rose that if she stayed friends with Hawk she would kill her, Rose wasn't scared but every time Hawk was with the rest of our friends he would bring her. She told Hawk to stop being friends with Rose and he did, Rose was upset because she thought they were friends and now she hates Hawk" I explained to them. A few minutes later the gang came back "where were you" I asked "we went to see Rose" Joy said frowning "I told you not to talk to her, don't you get her side of the story. You didn't think how Rose was gonna feel, I didn't ask her for a reason if I did I know she will say yes. I don't want to sacrifice my best friends happiness for others happiness" I said angrily before marching up to my room. When I entered the room I saw rose looking into a mirror. "Hey Fala did you find someone to wake Hawk up before tomorrow" she asked me. "How did you know about the 12 o clock bit" I asked "mirror magic duh". "Anyway no his funeral is tomorrow" I said looking down, Rose had no emotion her face looked bland "lets go to sleep tomorrow is going to be a long day" I said. We both got ready then went to bed.

The next day
Rose's POV
I felt bad for Fala she valued our friendship so much that she didn't ask me to save her own brothers life. I feel bad for saying no I don't want to die but I'm definitely not going to kiss him. I used mirror magic to see the preparation for the funeral everybody was wearing black and Hawk was in the middle of the room. I was surprised to see that my mother and granny were there. "I'm so sorry for my granddaughters stubbornness" granny said to Snow White "it ok it my grandsons fault" Snow White replied. Ok did Snow White just defend me after not saving her grandson, wow now I've seen it all. For hours I sat thinking weather I was doing the right thing, am I a villain. Gigi threw a watch at me and I saw the time it was 11:45, ok I have to act fast but why not have a little fun first.

Fala's POV
It was currently 11:59 everyone was crying only 60 seconds till he is gone forever, I was hoping a miracle would happen in those 60 second, but something far better happened. I looked at the time 11:59 and 59 seconds. He is gone I thought to myself tears streaming down my eyes. "Uh how com the clock didn't strike midnight it's been more then a second" Travis asked confused. "Well we all know only one person in fairytale land can use time magic" I said at the same time the doors opened "Rose" Everyone said happily. "Guys you didn't actually think I would let a innocent well semi innocent person die, I'm not a villain " She said "and you gotta love my dramatic entrance" she said playfully, everyone smiled she really does know how to fix the worst situations. She walked up to Hawk and glared at him, she eventually kissed him, then he woke up. "Just because I woke you up doesn't mean you should get and ideas" she said to Hawk coldly. I ran to hug her "thanks, it means a lot to me I know how much you hate Hawk. What changed your mind" I asked, "Well, it was you, you valued our friendship so much that you didn't even ask me to save him" Rose replied. Then my mum hugged Rose "thank you so much for saving my son" mum said "of course it's my pleasure to help" she said before curtsying and shaking my dad's hand. "Rose, it was very kind of you to put others feelings before your own" Granny said to Rose. "So what do you say about my joining the SnowWhite family everyone already loves you" Granny said with a serious face, then Rose went pale. "It was nice talking to you proffer but I've got to go now" Rose said trying to getaway.

Rose's POV
I can not believe she still wants me to marry Hawk, just at that moment Hawk walked towards me "thanks for saving me" He said shyly while scratching the back of his neck. "We still aren't friends" I hissed at him "oh and by the way your not out of danger yet, Ambrosia is outside waiting for you" i said smirking. "Guys let's have a sleep over in me and Fala's room" I said to Joy,LingLing and Astoria. "What about us" Isaac said playfully "let's have a boys night in me and Hawk's room"Travis said "Bye guys were going now" we said to the boys who where waiting for Hawk.

So I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm really proud of myself I did 2 chapters in one day, pls comment any improvements. 1548 words


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