Chapter 5 - mixed confessions

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It is now the morning

Hawk's POV
I'm so tired, I wasn't able to sleep last night because of the girls squealing last night. I went to sleep at 6 in the morning which is the time I usually wake up, after sleeping for 30 minutes I went downstairs. When I went to get breakfast I saw all the girls in the kitchen eating breakfast, and they didn't look tired. "Hawk you look like a zombie" Fala said snapping me out of my thoughts "How are you guys not tired" I asked "well we were just to excited to sleep" Rose said smiling. "How come you didn't sleep, if you fall asleep in class we could get a bad grade" Astoria asked/scolded. "It took me hours getting the glitter out of my hair, and when I finally got to bed I kept hearing squealing that kept me awake" I replied kind of angry, Ling Ling ,Joy and Rose looked a bit guilty and sorry but Astoria just snorted. "Well what are we waiting for let's go to school before we are late" Joy said while eating a fly. Rose made a pumpkin dragster and then we were off to school. When we arrived at school I went straight to Travis "hey bro"I said, then Travis took a good look at me "Hey why is your hair slightly white and has glitter in it" he asked trying to hold back his laughter "well it's a long story the girls had a sleepover in Snow White Castle, which I didn't know about. When I went to ask Fala for apple pie, Rose saw me and decided to give me a makeover"after I explained what happened Travis burst out laughing, until his phone glowed up and he started laughing even harder "what is it" I asked wondering what made him laugh even harder. Then he gave me his phone, it was a message from Rose "i saw you laughing but if you think he looked funny today you should've seen him yesterday" after the message there was a picture of me yesterday night when my hair looked a lot worse. Then the bell rang and we went to class, it was cooking class.

Astoria's POV
When we arrived at class H.M Cinderella told us to make what ever dessert we desire. "So any ideas other then Hawk,Rose and Joy" I Asked "why can't we tell our ideas" Hawk whined "because you are gonna say apple pie, Rose is gonna say pumpkin pie and Joy is going to say something with bugs in it" I replied which a straight face. "I have got an idea, we can make creme brûlée' with nitrogen ice cream topped with freshly baked macaroons and profiteroles" Ambrosia said trying to sound fancy at the same time staring dreamily at Hawk. "Do any of you know how to make it " I asked excepting no response."I know how to make it I took a cooking class in earth"Rose said, everyone looked at her in shock "you know how to cook" everyone but Rose said in unison Rose nodded then smiled. We stood back and let Rose do her thing, she was surprisingly fast and the presentation was impeccable. When the teacher came around they were speechless "this is the best desert I've ever had" H.M Cinderella said before calling the other teachers to try some. "Well done you guys get an A+ in this lesson and all your previous cooking lessons that you failed" H.M Cinderella said I couldn't help but jump up and down then I hugged Rose "our grade is safe"I exclaimed still hugging her. "It's a shame we didn't get any"Travis said slightly disappointed

Rose's POV
After class ended we had a 25 minute break before the next class. "Can I talk to you in private" A voice said from behind me , of course a I knew it was Hawk. "sure" I replied smiling . Then he pulled me to the side and told me to close my eyes. "You can open them now" he said with his usual sweet and charming voice. When I opened my eyes I saw the prettiest draguchi shoes. "Pumpkin seeds there beautiful" I squealed trying to hold in my excitement "hurry up hase were gonna be late" Astoria screamed. After we got to ball gowns class my mum asked me and Ambrosia to be models for her fashion show, we both agreed. Astoria did our hair and it looked identical from behind we looked like the same person, after the show our team got extra credit for helping. Me and Ambrosia changed back into our uniforms, but we kept our hair the same. "The fashion show was amazing" LingLing complimented "thanks" I replied. "Let's hangout in the garden since school is finished" Joy suggested we all agreed and after a while of chatting I went for a walk alone, because I wanted to get inspiration for a song I was trying to write. On my walk I saw Ambrosia sitting on the grass in front on the pond.

Hawk's POV
Ok it's now or never I'm going to confess to Rose as soon as I find her. So I set out to find Rose when I saw her sitting in front of the pond. "Hey I wanted to talk to you" I started, she was about to turn around "wait don't turn around, although I'm the bravest prince I'm too scared to face you" I stopped her then I breathed in and closed my eyes. "I know you will probably say no from what I heard yesterday,  it I wanted to tell you that no matter what happens can we still be friend. Ok what I wanted to tell you is I..I like you will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. I was prepared for rejection but what happened was even worse. She stood up then said "of course I'll be your girlfriend" I was happy with her answer but I couldn't help but wonder why her voice was so different. Then she turned around. I almost screamed when I saw it wasn't Rose. Oh no this can not be happening to me I thought to myself,  my face went paler and felt like I was about to faint. Ambrosia ran up to me and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the team but Rose wasn't there "Let's tell everyone it's official" she said still smiling. I didn't dare say anything because I would just make things worse. When we got to the group Ambrosia said "me and Hawk are dating now" in her sickly voice. Astoria looked like she was about to explode "I'm so happy for you would you mind if I talk to Hawk for a little while" Astoria said sarcastically with a noticeably fake smile as she dragged me to the side "you idiot you finally realise your crush likes you back and then for some stupid reason you start dating her enemy, what were you thinking" Astoria screamed "is it really that bad" I tried to defend my self knowing it was useless "you have destroyed our team and Rose is probably not going to talk to you ever again. Just why" Astoria didn't seem to understand what happened "it was an accident" I said with guilt "how could asking someone to be your girlfriend an accident" Astoria was still screaming but she calmed down "well I only saw the back of her so I assumed it was Rose" I tried very hard to explain myself. "Well I shouldn't scream at you I bet Rose not speaking to you is a big enough punishment, oh and by the way Rose is coming" she said while pointing at Rose while she was running towards us. Ok so how should i break it to her I thought but then Ambrosia started talking. "Rose i wanted to tell you something I am no longer your friend, I was only your friend because Hawk didn't like me but because he likes me now we don't have to be friends anymore" Ambrosia said in a cold tone. "Oh I'm so sad my best friend who purposely broke my leg doesn't want to be my friend anymore, how I'm I ever going to live" Rose said sarcastically while rolling me eyes. "At least I got a boyfriend" Ambrosia hissed. "Look I could get a boyfriend in seconds, just because I don't want one doesn't mean you win" Rose said in a bitter tone, then she let her hair down flicked it in Ambrosia's face and walked away.

Rose's POV
I walked away sobbing quietly and when I was far away I started running, and soon enough I was in Cinderella Castle. When I reached my room I flopped on my bed and cried into my pillow. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door and then Ling Ling ,Joy and Astoria walked in "are you okay Rose" ling ling asked, I nodded. "I'm fine I just hate Ambrosia" I replied. "I know what we need some quality girl time" Joy said trying to cheer Rose up. "Ooh we can go to earth in the holiday" Rose said slightly happier

I got so interested in what happens next I decided to update today even though I already updated today so I might update again tomorrow or the day after.     1564 words

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