Chapter 4 - Sleepover

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After School Finished (Travis and Hawk had gone home)

Astoria's POV
We had just arrived at Cinderella castle ready to surprise Rose with the good news, we had confirmed everything with Granny Cinderella. Me Ling Ling and Joy were standing out side Rose's room, and i signalled"1..2...3"  and on three all of us opened the door and yelled"surprise". Rose smiled and we all went to hug her. "Get ready we are leaving soon" Ling Ling said "ooh pumpkin seeds were are we going" Rose said excited "it's a surprise" I replied then Rose frowned. "Does Granny know?" Rose asked "yeah she loved the idea" Joy answered.

Time skip when they finished getting ready

Ling Ling's POV
we blinfolded Rose then walked into the mirror which transported us right in front of Fala's room "you can take off the blinfold now" Astoria said. Rose did as she was told but she looked a bit confused "why are we at Snow White castle?" Rose asked confused "open the door and find out" I replied smiling. Rose opened the door to see a sleepover like setting there were 3 sleeping bags laid out, a big tent with fluffy pillows and fairy lights. The smell of baked goods filled the air and in the corner of Fala's room was a small table with all sorts of sweets and treats. "Pumpkin seeds this is amazing did you guys all plan this" Rose said with the biggest smile on her face "Well we just helped it was all Fala's idea" Joy replied. Rose casted pumpkin magic and made crutches and then limped towards Fala and hugged her.

Fala's POV
"And Rose I have another surprise for you" I said "Is it shoes". Rose said clearly very excited "it's better then shoes" I replied then I played a healing potion on her cast and it disappeared, her leg was healed. "Thank you so much now I can wear shoes again" Rose said in her usual energetic and friendly voice. We all sat down on my bed and stated to chat, then my timer went "well the apple pie is ready I'm going to go take it out of the oven" I said walking out of the room. A few minutes later I walked in with the apple pie and it aroma filled the hallway. "Let's let it cool down" I said and everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone sat down on my bed Astoria was reading a book ling ling and Joy were playing cards and I was doing Rose's hair since she asked me to, at the same time we were all talking to each other about school and other things. Then we heard a knock on the door and a voice said "Fala I can smell apple pie I can't believe you didn't offer me any" it was Hawk,I might of forgotten to tell him about the sleep over oh well. "I almost forgot that Hawk lived here as well" said Joy "You can come in Hawk" I screamed, when he entered he had a lot of questions "you guys are having a sleepover" he asked "oh yeah I forgot to tell you I was inviting some friends over" I replied "okay, can I have some apple pie ?" He asked I was about to reply but Rose beat me to it. "On one condition, you let us give you a makeover" Rose said

Hawk's POV
I was thinking what is the worst they could do, and I'm really hungry "ok, what's the worst you could do" I replied then Rose grinned evilly. Uh oh what have I gotten myself into I thought. I was still standing by the door then Rose ran up to me and grabbed my hand then dragged me to the bed, all the girls were smirking including Fala I was blushing and Rose was just excited. She sat me down next to the tent, then blindfolded me. I heard the girls whispering about something then I felt hands on my head.

Rose's POV
"Ok guys let's spray his hair white" I whispered to the others "then we can add glitter" Fala added "sounds like a plan" Ling Ling concluded and Joy and Astoria nodded in agreement. After we finished it looked exactly like I envisioned, but the best was yet to come his reaction. We handed Hawk a mirror and told him to take the blindfold of, and his reaction was priceless and I got a few pictures. "What did you do to me" he screamed in horror "my hair isn't blue"  "why state the obvious" Astoria replied sarcastically. Them mirror Hawk appeared in the mirror "what happened to you" mirror Hawk asked Hawk "Well you can have the pie now" Fala exclaimed, but Hawk was so shocked he didn't move. "Geez it's not permanent you know " I said rolling my eyes, Joy and Ling Ling were just giggling and the rest of us including mirror Hawk started laughing too. Hawk stood up took the whole pie and went back to his room."guys look at these pictures I got" I said between giggles

Astoria's POV
"Ok let's get into the real sleepover" I said with a smirk "what shall we do" asked Ling Ling "let's play kiss kill marry" Fala suggested "okay Joy you first Von frog, Esquire and Travis" I said "ok um kill Travis kiss Von frog and marry esquire" Joy replied "so you like Von frog" Fala asked "well i used to that was before he became evil" Joy answered. After everyone played it was Rose's turn "ok Rose your turn, Adonis Hawk and Travis" I asked knowing exactly what she was about to say. "Ok Kill Travis kiss Adonis and Marry Hawk" she replied. "Why did you chose that order" Joy asked "well Travis is like a brother to me so disgusting, and I don't know Adonis that well" she answered "and you like Hawk" Fala finished "well that wasn't what I was about to say" Rose tried to protest. "But it is true" Ling Ling said, "no it isn't "Rose still protested even though she knew she was defeated. "You guys should date you would make a cute couple" Fala added. Rose blushed "so why don't you tell him you like him" I asked, Rose sighed in defeat before answering " first of all I don't want him to think I'm one of his crazy fan girls and ruin our friendship, second of all Ambrosia she is head over heels in love with Hawk and you saw what she did to me before" "what if he asks you out" Fala asked. "I would probably say no because Ambrosia is already out for me" after Rose finished everyone looked disappointed, especially Hawk who was eavesdropping on them.

Rose's POV
Everyone looked disappointed with my answer but I brushed it off "I want to tell a story that I made up" I said changing the topic. "ok" they all said in unison still sounding disappointed " Once upon a time there was a princess who got banished to another realm, she started a new life and had a child. This child was the most beautiful princes in the whole entire world, but her good looks came with side affects. She had fanboys who chased her non stop and had stalkers. Her parents were getting tiered but managed, until one day their precious daughter got kidnapped and was missing for almost a week, she managed to escape using a mysterious power she didn't know she had. After her return her parents cast a spell on her to change her looks , she wasn't ugly but not as beautiful as before. On her 16th birthday (Note Rose is currently 17) she was told the truth and showed her true form. The princess decided to stay as she was , but she was offered if she ever wanted to she can change into her original self she could by holding her bracket and saying magic words. She kept this a secret from everyone even her closest friends. Well guys that's the end because I couldn't think of one" I told the story and everyone seemed to have forgotten what had happened a few minutes prior. "Ok guys what do you think of the story" I asked "it is really interesting but it needs an ending" Ling Ling replied "anyway how did you come up with it" Astoria asked "well look at the time let's go to sleep now" I tried my best to change the topic not wanting to leak any information, Everyone looked confused by my words but I didn't care. "I'm not tired let's play a game" Fala suggested and all of us agreed. We shipped everyone in school, and me and Fala couldn't help but squeal in excitement. "Guys we should probably sleep now, it's 5am" Astoria said. We nodded in agreement before falling asleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter i know the story that Rose tells isn't that good but I need it later in the book, thank you for 130 reads it means a lot to me thanks for reading 1528 words

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