Chapter 8 [OMG!]

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Hai lovies! So I just want you to enjoy this :3 No message :P [New Kamryn On The Side]

Kamryn's POV

"Dianne!" I scream falling to the ground by her side. I pick up her head and rest it in my lap. "Don't just stand there! Get some ice or something" I shouted at everyone else in the room. They all rushed to the kitchen to get ice for her. "C'mon Di, hang in there with me" I felt warm thick liquid on my hand I lift them up and see blood. I roll up Dianne's sleeve and see 10 ragged bloody lines going up her arm...

Dianne's POV

I was lying with Harry, in the bed as we were waiting for Kamryn and Zayn. God where are those two!? I decide to check my Twitter and see what bull shit is going around now.

I unlock my phone and click the Twitter app on the homepage. I checked my interactions t see what was up. I had 100 new followers, and a bunch of tweets saying "#StayStrongDianne, #HianneRIP" 'What the hell' I think to myself. One of the tweets had two attachments so out of curiosity I open them. They were pictures of Harry kissing a blonde girl.

Rage filled my body and boiled my blood. I got up and threw the phone at Harry. "What the fuck is this" I question. He looks down at the phone and his face drains from all emotions. "I'm listening Harry!" I scream.

"I was upset okay! You weren't around, I missed you and needed you" He says standing up hovering over me. "Bull shit! You missed me so you made out with some Blonde bimbo!?" I screamed back.

"Dianne don't yell at me" Harry said backing away. "No, I'm gonna yell all I fucking want. Explain this shit" I screamed. He stayed silent. "You fucking pig. I'm sick of y-" was all I was able to get out before I was struck over the cheek with a strong hand. I looked up at Harry and he was in pure rage.

"Oh my god, Dianne" he said trying to grab me. I jerked away. "Stop! Get the fuck away from me!" I ran out of the room and down the hall to Kamryn's.

I shut the door behind me and ran into his bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a little purple bruise on my cheek. I reached for the tiny makeup box Kamryn has with skulls on it. I reached inside and pulled out the make up sponge, I knocked something out while doing so. It hit the floor with a small clank.

I reached down and picked it up, a razor. It had thin little dried blood streaks. Kamryn has used this before. I looked over at my arm with the, now faded, cuts. "I'm sorry Kamryn." I say to myself. I cut one line across my arm. I watch my blood leak out. I cut a few more times. Then again, and again, and again.


Kamryn's POV

I sat there watching my best friend bleed. I started getting light headed. 'No, stay awake you need to be here for her' I say to myself. But I have no control over myself. And eventually, I passed out too. With Di's head in my lap.







Alright :D I hope all my little Live Lovers enjoyed it :3. I'll update more often now, promise!

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