Chapter 7: [What Happen?]

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I really hate it that I'm dating Perrie. She is a total bitch. The only reason I'm dating is her is because of fucking management. Perrie doesn't even know that she is just a cover up because management didn't like the fact that I was gay. I'm strolling down the park thinking of Kamryn.

He is just so perfect. I can't even believe that he is mine. But I don't know what happens if I come out to the entire world that I am gay. Will the fans accept me and Kamryn being together? I let out a sigh. Then I heard a scream. Not only a scream but Kamryn's scream. I ran to him as fast as I can.

 Kamryn P.O.V

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. They just laughed. "Babe there no one out here at this time during the night," Tyson said. He pinned me to the wall. I screamed again. He covered my mouth. "This will be less painful if you shut the fuck up," Tyler said.

Tears were streaming down my face. I wish I had Paul with me. Then all of a sudden Tysonr was pulled off of me. There was Zayn punching Tyson in the face until his nose was bleeding. "Zayn Stop!" I demanded. Zayn instantly stopped and looked at me. His eyes turned soft. "The next time you come near Kamryn I promise you, you will not only have a bleeding nose," Zayn spat. All of them got up and ran off.

I tried tackling Zayn in a hug but since he is bigger than he didn't budge. "I was so scared," I sobbed. He patted my hair softly. "Sh, everything is alright now," Zayn reassured. "What do we say we get out of here and go home?"

"I would like that."

*Skip to Le House*

We both entered the living room. Everyone was still awake. "Oh my gosh!" Dianne tackled me to the floor. "Where the fuck were you? We stayed up because you two weren't back yet," Dianne said.

"It is a long story," I mumbled.

Liam pushed Dianne out of the way. She crashed to the floor. She let out a groan. "What the fuck Liam?!" Dianne snapped.

"I'm sorry but he is my brother," Liam apologized. I looked at Dianne surprised. She never snaps easily unless it is someone she hates. I looked over at Harry. He looked quite pissed himself. "Di, what happened between you and Harry?" I whispered to her.

She let out a sigh. Her eyes were getting glossy. She was about yo cry. Then she passed out.

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