Chapter 5 [Car Talk]

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Sup bitches!?! LOL So I've decided to be a nice little cupcake and update more often :) BTW Pic of Kamryn on the side. Since you guys have been asking for it. Remember Kamryn is about 5'2


Kamryn's POV

I stood there in amazement. Fireworks shot through my small body, from one kiss with Zayn. I opened my eyes and stared into his beautiful chocolate eyes.

"How was your first kiss Kammy" Zayn asked as he bent down slightly to plant his forehead onto mine. I felt my cheeks burn and I can tell they turned a DARK shade of pink. I smiled at the ground [ See what I did there :D] and kicked my feet. "Amazing, thank you Zayn" He smiled at me and wiped the sides of my face with his thumbs.

"You are truly the most adorable thing I've ever seen Kammy" I blushed even harder when he said this. He chuckled. "I love when you blush" I smiled and looked down again. I kinda have a habit of doing so. I can't believe Zayn just kissed me. He stole my first kiss, and I will truly savor this memory forever.

Zayn took my hand in his and guided me to the side of the plane where he was sleeping. I looked down at our hands and giggled. "What's wrong Kam"

"Nothing it's just...My hand looks so tiny compared to yours" He looked down at our hands and chuckled, himself. He sat down in his seat and pulled me into his lap. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. I adjusted myself so I was cuddled with Zayn. I closed my eyes as Zayn faintly hummed to me. I began drifting off and eventually fell asleep.

Zayn's POV

I stopped humming as I realized Kamryn was asleep. I played with his hair as I listened to his breathing. I loved how he wasn't one of those people who snores, well he does sing. Better than us most of the time. But, he's just to nervous to do it in front if anyone but us. I held him in my arms and leant down to kiss his burnt chestnut hair. He smelled like that cologne Burberry. I loved it. I smiled at the little desperate wanna-be[Not In A Bad Way] platinum blonde in my arms. Yeah, he wanted to dye his hair but Liam told him no. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off into sleep.

BACK TO: Kamryn's POV

I woke up and instantly was hit with the smell of nice cologne. I looked up and saw Zayn craddling me. I moved my body letting him know I was up. He looked down and smiled when he saw my open eyes. "How are you" He asked.

"Fine now. Where are we" I asked as Zayn kissed my forehead. "We're in Denver now" Sweet Denver I get to sit backstage at a concert... Don't get me wrong I love the

lads, and they're music. I just hate backstage. It's just crazy, there's people running around trying to help the boys, pushing pass me. I even had management tell me to stay out of the room for one of the lad's interviews because apparently, I'm irrelevant.

I was snapped out of my thought by Zayn snapping his fingers in my face. "Oh Zayn, I'm sorry I was...thinking. Before anything else could happen I felt a girl jump on my back from behind the backseat. I know it was a girl because I felt her boobs. She got off me and I turned around and screamed.

"DIANNE!!!!!!!! Oh my god, Di how'd you get here" I asked over excitedly, bouncing up and down like a giddy school boy. MY BEST FRIEND DIANNE IS HERE!!!! "Liam got me a ticket and told me to meet you guys here" She said with a huge smile plastered on her face. I could do absolutely nothing but hug her and scream.

Liam chimed in from the passenger seat. "Alright little ones-" I interrupted him before he could finish. "I'm not little Liam" I said giving full on sass on ass. He reached back, poked my cheek and continued. "Kamryn, your 5'2 and 97 pounds" I silenced myself in defeat. "So here is $500 for you both, go shopping and enjoy yourself. AND BE SAFE" He handed me and Di the money. "We'll be at the mall in a little while you two. Have your girl time" Liam said sticking his tongue out at me. Hey, I might look like one but im not a girl.

Dianne and I caught up on what's been going on since I left home to go on tour with Liam. She every now and then, would turn and give Harry a kiss. Mushiness! But hey I was sitting in Zayn's lap so I'm one to talk. "Ew! Will you two get a room?" I said after their millionth, make out session.

Harry stuck his tongue out at me as well as Dianne. "They were only kissing Kammy" Zayn said, his breath hitting my neck. "No, they were snogging" I said poking fun at them. I thought about my favorite movie 'Sucker Punch' out of nowhere.

"Liiiiiii, I wanna watch Sucker Punch, for movie night, tonight" I said bouncing on Zayn. "Ow, Kam. Stop please." Zayn said putting his hands behind my back, I'm guessing I was bouncing on his....ya know.

"Sorry Zayn" I said kissing his cheek. I turned my attention back to Liam. "So, can we" I asked smiling wildly. Liam exhaled heavily, "Fine Kamryn" Yay! I was about to thank him when we came to a stop. "Alright we're at the mall kiddies" I looked up and sure enough, we were. I grabbed Dianne's hand and dragged her out of the door, pulling her off of Harry.

I looked at the ground as I jumped out. When I picked my head up it was greeted by blonde hair. The lady turned around and my eyes widened.


Oooooooh, How is Perrie gonna feel about Zamryn Mayne? Will this lead to more drama!? LOL. I hope you guys enjoyed :) And I'm sorry you're cheating on Nialler with Harry Di :) [No Affiliation With Story] Alrighty then :) Until next time. Bai Fudge Cakes!

-Kamryn x

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