Chapter 3. [Poor Kammy]

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Kamryn's POV

I was beyond tired when I woke up. I looked around, saw no sign of Liam, Zayn, Paul or anyone for that matter. "Hello" I called out. No answer. "Li? Zayn? Louis? Niall? Harry? Anyone!?" What the hell is going on?

I got up and started walking around the plane. "Liam. Liam" I was helplessly calling. This is seriously getting scary. I heard something rumbling and I whipped my head around. I saw Niall. "Oh my God, Niall. I thought I was alone" He stayed didn't move. "Niall. Nialler Are you okay"

I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around. "AAAAAH!" I screamed, sounding like a 10 year old girl. Niall's eyes were gouged out and had blood spewing from them. I back up until I hit a body. It was Harry's, he was the exact same as Niall. I screamed again and ran passed Harry. I was grabbed by someone and I looked up to see Louis. He was perfectly intact.

"Oh my god, Lou! What's going on" He looked at me and his grip started getting looser. He fell down right confront of me with a knife in his back.

"Louis!!!" I screamed grabbing his body, then realising there was no use. I looked up and saw Zayn. His chest a a hole threw it and his head had a huge gash. I pushed passed him and ran back to where I was when I woke.

I turned around when I heard someone yelling. And there it was, my worst fear. My big brother being killed. Stabbed repeatedly. By his bandmates.

The plain started shaking fiercely I fell to my feet and the room started getting black. "Kamryn. Kamryn"

I opened my eyes and gasped harshly. I was breathing terribly. I looked up to see Liam looking at me full of worry. I stood up why took him into a big hug wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my face.

Me being a gigantic cry baby, I started crying into Liam's chest, probably ruining his shirt. "Kamryn, are you okay" He said while Harry was rubbing circles in my back from behind me. "I... had a horrid nightmare. I don't even want to repeat it" I was shaking like a Chihuahua.

"What's wrong with Kam" Jonny asked. Oh by the way Jonny is Niall's boyfriend they've been dating about a year. "Bad nightmare" Liam replied for me.

Jonny came and sat next to me. "Awwh poor Kammy" He said engulfing me in a hug. Liam sat down in front of me and took a hold of my arms. " Are you sure your fine"

"Yes Liam I'm fine" I said, my breathe getting easier. Zayn was probably more worried than Liam. I kept seeing him get uneasy and shift in his seat when I spoke. Does he like me? No. course not. I'm 13! He's a man. Besides he has Perrie.

I started looking at Zayn and imagined playing with his blonde highlights. He's just so amazing. His skin, his hair, his lips, his eyes. Oh God his eyes. Those beautiful chocolate orbs.

Ugh! Why do I always do that! I need to stop falling foe Zayn. He'll never like me back. Never! How can he ever like a kid like me. But, why does he have to be so perfect? Why am I the only single person here?

"Because your too young for a boyfriend" Liam chimed in. I guess I was thinking aloud. "But Liam, I'm the ONLY SINGLE PERSON HERE" Liam gave me a look trying to tell me to hush but I for the first time disobeyed him.

"No. Zayn has Perrie, Niall has Jonny, Louis has El, You have Danie, and Harry has that Dianne girl. Who do I have though Liam" He put his face down in defeat. "Exactly" I said ending my rant about my loneliness.

"Kamryn Adrien Payne, get in the freaking seat" Liam said seriously, pointing to the empty seat next to him. I obeyed calming down.

Once I sat down Liam turned to me in all seriousness. "If you have one more of these outbursts, I'm sending you back home" I lowered my head in shame. "Do you understand me" He said trying to get me to look up. "Yes" I replied.

"Okay" He went into his pocket and fish something out. "Listen to some music until we get to Denver" He said passing me my phone and his headphones.

I put the earphones in and picked 'Moments' I love this song. It touches me. I have the boys sing it to me every night out on the balcony of the hotel we're in.

I looked around the plane and saw Harry, Louis, and Zayn on their phones, with their girlfriends no less. Niall and Jonny were cuddled up together sleep. Liam was texting Danielle. And me? I'm sitting here listening to a sad song by my brothers hand. My life is wonderful.


So!?!?!?!??! Did you guys enjoy it!?! I hope so. Its finally longer. Poor Kammy. I'm so lonely :( LOL. Bad Fudge Cakes


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