Chapter Ten

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I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I poured over the communication files that Will brought me earlier this evening. It was a running record of all the calls and texts of everyone who had access to the account that got busted last week. So far, nothing was amiss. Everything checked out, the same way it did with every account we had. I couldn't find where the hole was, and it was pissing me off and costing me a hell of a lot of money.

I'd been planning to get everything settled before this thing with Camryn tomorrow, but it was close to 11PM and I was still at the office, grasping at straws. I'd be out of commission, at least for a few days with her, and each day we weren't opening new accounts, I was out millions. That meant my men were too, and they depended on this money to support their families. I had to figure something out, and fast.

I was about ready to call it a night and head upstairs when I heard the ding of an elevator. That was really odd for this time of night. Everyone else had left hours ago and I should have been alone. I was just tired and delirious enough to be concerned about it, so I grabbed my gun out of my desk drawer and slowly crept towards the door to the hallway, cracking it open.

The hallway was pretty much dark, but I could see the light in the back elevator and noticed the doors closing with somebody inside. Now I was really curious, so I took the stairs and tried to beat the elevator to the next floor.

When the elevator opened, I didn't see an intruder or any type of threat. It was Camryn and Riley. What the fuck?

Camryn was caught just as off guard as I was, and opened her mouth to speak, but Riley beat her to it.

"Derek!!" she grinned, jumping out of her mom's arms and rushing towards me.

"Well, hello!" I smiled, bending down and giving her a high five. "What are you doing here?"

I glanced up at Camryn, enraged at the swollen bruise that was forming on her cheek. She was visibly shaken, and I knew there had to have been some kind of altercation with Robby. That bastard had laid his hands on her again.

"Mommy said we're having a sleepover here!" Riley blurted out, a big grin on her face.

"A sleepover, huh?" I chuckled. "That sounds like fun! You want to know my favorite part of a sleepover?"

"What?" she asked.

I put my hand to her cheek and cupped it around her ear as if I was telling her a secret. "Popcorn."

"You have popcorn?" Her eyes widened.

I nodded. "What do you think? Could your sleepover use some popcorn?"

"Derek, you don't have to..." Camryn started, putting her hand on Riley's shoulder.

"Yes!" Riley cheered excitedly before Camryn could stop her.

"Riley, it's way past your bedtime. We talked about this, remember?" Camryn let out an exhausted, defeated sigh.

"Mommy..." Riley whined, throwing her head back dramatically.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you two go get settled inside, and I'll get the popcorn and bring it to you once you're in bed?" I glanced up at Camryn. "Compromise?"

"Sure." Camryn forced a small smile, not up for any kind of fight. I was desperate to speak to her alone.

Riley nodded and skipped into the apartment. When she was out of earshot, Camryn turned to me.

"Derek, I'm sorry. I didn't think..." She bit her swollen lip nervously. "What are you still doing here?"

"I have a penthouse one floor above this that I use when I'm working late. And I own the building. I think a better question is what you're doing here and why you have fresh bruises on your face?"

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