Chapter Twenty One

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Before I knew what was happening, my lips were on Camryn's, kissing her with deep desperation as I laid her back on the couch. I'd thought about this moment for so fucking long. I'd envisioned it in my mind and planned out exactly how I wanted it to happen, but the moment our lips touched and her arms wrapped around my neck, every plan I had went out the window. Cam was in control.

"Maybe we should take this to your room." Her whisper was ravenous.

Not giving her a second to change her mind, I grabbed her hand and led her back down the hallway. My room was far enough away that we could relax and not worry about anything waking Riley. I shut the door behind me and turned to face Cam. She stood at the end of my bed, grinning back at me. Her messy curls were all collected to one side and there was a shyness in her eyes that surprised me. She was apprehensive, but I could tell she wanted this, too.

I took a few steps towards her, cupping her chin in my hand and giving her another gentle kiss. "We don't have to do this." I reminded her as we sat down on the bed. "I'm totally fine to go back out there and make us some popcorn and watch a movie." I didn't want to, but if that was what she needed, I could make it happen.

Cam thankfully shook her head. "I want this. I just..." She bit her lip and dropped her eyes. "I've never been with anyone besides Robby and I don't even know..."

I put my finger to her lips, cutting her off. "I just want you to lie back and enjoy yourself for a few minutes. Do you think you can do that?"

She was hesitant, but nodded. "I trust you."

I loved hearing her say that. There was nothing I wanted more than for Cam to trust me with her mind, her body, and her soul.

"Okay." I leaned her back until her body hit the bed, pressing kiss after kiss to her neck.

I slipped her shirt and shorts off before taking my own shirt off and tossing them into the corner. The sight of her beneath me completely took my breath away. She was so fucking beautiful. Every freckle, every curve, every single inch of her tanned skin was perfection. Starting at the corner of her lips, I worked my way down to her chin, to her neck, to her collarbone. I continued kissing down her chest, to her stomach, and each of her hips. I paused briefly, noticing the gentle bruising still on her ribs. Camryn caught my hesitation and put her hand to my cheek.

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore." She assured me, raking her fingers through my hair. "I promise."

"Tell me if it does." I grunted, gently running my fingertips along them.

She nodded, leaning back again and arching against the bed.

The promise of taking it slow was barely off of my tongue, but I knew it was going to be hard to keep. I wanted her in a way I'd never experienced before. I needed her in the most primal of ways and, by the way her body was responding, she felt the same.


Derek moved with such purpose, dragging his fingers along every bare inch of my body. I was self-conscious at first, but he was quickly wiping all of my apprehension away and putting all of my worry to rest. He touched me as if he'd been doing it all his life, and I was already delirious with pleasure.

I ran my fingers down his bare, sculpted chest as he hovered above me. It was full of colorful, intricate artwork, each piece more intriguing than the first. I moaned gently, tilting my head to the side and exposing more of the sensitive skin at the base of my neck. Derek nuzzled against me, gently tickling me with the stubble on his face. "You're so beautiful." He whispered.

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