November 12, 2012

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I almost swallowed a whole pill bottle last night.  I opened it to take one, but then I nearly dumped all of them in my mouth.  It was like I didn’t even realize why I was doing it.  After I realized what I was doing, I actually almost still went through with it.  I lifted the bottle to my mouth, parted my lips, and then nearly started crying as I lowered it.

I guess I just didn’t want to do the same thing Meg did, trying to kill herself, overdosing on pills, and then living for weeks in the ICU.

I also almost cut myself.  I lifted my pink scissors to my arm, they touched, and I tried to do it, but the blade wasn’t sharp enough with the fearful pressure I was applying.  It didn’t work, and I was partly glad, but more so, I hated myself more for not going through with it.  For being too cowardly to actually draw my own blood.

I guess I don’t want to be here anymore, but I don’t want to do anything too rash.  I just don’t feel like anyone would care.  I guess I already wrote that in the last entry.

I just don’t know what to do.  I feel trapped here.  My head ache is the least of my problems.  But no one knows that there’s anything wrong with me.  But I feel like the only thing I’m good for is getting in the way.  I guess I’m good at screwing people over accidentally.

I’m about to cry.  I guess this is why I shouldn’t write things like this.



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