September 26, 2012

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I have to write this now before I pass out.  Last night, George and I were texting, and I swear I owe my mom like ten bucks for all the texts I sent out.  Now, I’m freaking out, because last night after I went to bed, he texted me saying “May, I really like you.  Very much so.”  I replied that I like him, too when I saw it this morning, and he recently texted back J.  So now, I’m nervous, hiding out here in my teacher’s room, upset because Monica is the one I’ve been talking to about this, and she wasn’t where we usually meet in the mornings.

Ava’s ex keeps telling me he loves me.  Today as I was walking in here he did so again, and I called back “I don’t care,” and then went inside.  But before I closed the door, Roger yelled “Hey, George knows,” and I laughed as I walked away, saying to myself, “I know.  I just told him.”

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